Tomb of Valdemar

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Millennia ago, the great god Valdemar held sway over the universe. Somehow the Old Ones defeated this dark presence and entombed him beneath the acid skies of Ashkella, before disappearing themselves for ever.The Doctor and Romana, despite their best efforts, become embroiled in the complex conspiracies and attempts to rediscover Valdemar. High in the boiling sulphuric acid clouds, in the Palace of the Old Ones, a place where reality and dreams collide, the way is being prepared for the resurrection of the Dark One. The Doctor faces an agonising choice: should he continue with his quest to gather the segments of the Key to Time, or prevent the rebirth of a being so powerful that its release will alter the entire fabric of the universe?
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The Lords of Gallifrey
The Lords of Gallifrey
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