The Romance of Crime

A StaR in ChesS Won the Match
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'How do you kill someone?' asked the Doctor. 'Eviscerate them, crush them, reverse their particles. But do the dead always stay dead?' The TARDIS brings the fourth Doctor, Romana and K-9 to the Rock of Judgement: a court, prison and place of execution built into a rocket-powered asteroid. There they become embroiled in an investigation by the system's finest lawman. What connects the macabre gallery of artist Menlove Stokes with the slaughter of a survey team on a distant planet? Why is Margo, chief of security, behaving so strangely? And which old enemies of the Doctor are aboard the unmarked spaceship making its way towards the Rock?
Club Stats
The Lords of Gallifrey
The Lords of Gallifrey
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A StaR in ChesS
A StaR in ChesS
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