
521 Members
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176 Team Events Won


 međuslovjansky šahmatny klub | Interslavic Chess Club
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Welcome to our chess club! We're more than just a place to play chess; we're a community bound by our shared passion for the game and our interest in language.

Inspired by the accessibility of Interslavic, a language easily understood by all Slavic speakers, I founded this club to bring together individuals eager to practice and explore this remarkable linguistic tool.

Through Interslavic, we break down barriers and connect on a deeper level, fostering camaraderie and understanding.
Our community is open to all, regardless of linguistic background or skill level.

Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming space for language enthusiasts and chess lovers alike. As we engage in friendly matches and language practice sessions, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

Let's build friendships, expand our linguistic horizons, and enjoy the thrill of chess together.
Remember, our club values respect and inclusivity above all else.

While we encourage lively discussions and friendly banter, we ask that all members refrain from engaging in political debates or disrespectful behavior.

Whether you prefer communicating in your native Slavic language, English, or Interslavic, you're welcome here. Let's make the most of this unique opportunity to learn, grow, and have fun!

Dobrodošli v naš šahmatičny klub! My jesmo vyše, než samo igrališče za šahmatičny instrument.

S pomoћom Interslavic my råzrušajemo bariere i objedinimo sę na glųbokom nivou, ktory je legko razumli vsi, ktori govoręt na slovjanskom, ja založil tutoj klub, da by objediniti ljudi, ktori žele praktikovati i učiti se tutoj čudny lingvističny instrument.

S pomoћom Interslavic my råzrušajemo bariere i objedinimo sę na glųbokom nivou, ktory krěpši duh prijateljstva i međusobnje porozumjeńja. 
Naše zajednica jest otvorjena za vse, bez obzira na języko povodu ili råzměr dovědnosti.

Naš osnovny cěl je  prědložiti gostinny prostor kako ljubitelj językov, tako i ljubitelj šahmat.

Pošto my učestvujemo v družstvenyh matčah i заняťah po językovoj praktici, my pozvajemo vas prisjediniti k nam v toj zabavnoj pųtě.

Prijateljmy, råzširujemo naš językovy krogozor i zajedno naslađamo se hazardom igry v šahmat. 
Pomnějte, naš klub prěvažuje vśako respekt i inkluzivitet.

Hoť my podpiramo živy diskusije i prijateljsky podsměška, prosimo vse učęstnike, da by odvraćali se od učestvovanja v političnyh debatah ili neråzumnoho vedenja.

Ako vy preferujete obćešati na rodnom slovjanskom jeziku, anglijskom ili međuslovjanskom jeziku, vam tu radno. Pozdružimo se izkoristiti tutoj jedinstveny sposobnosť učiti se, råsti i veseliti se!

Super Admins

Igor Potemin | Toulouse (France), Rostov-on-Don+Tambov, International
Joined Nov 14, 2010
ᛏᚣᛚᛒᛆᛟᚱᚢ =) | Gardariki - Holmgardr ☮︎ 🕊️, Åland Islands
Joined Mar 14, 2024
Kim Jong-Un | Pyonyang, Intergalactic Korean Empire, North Korea
Joined Mar 21, 2024
Цар Обединител | някъде си, Bulgaria
Joined Apr 14, 2024


miodrag kuzmanovski | veles, North Macedonia
Joined Apr 2, 2010
Kacper Drozdowski | Poland
Joined Apr 21, 2010
Христо Александров | Варна, Bulgaria
Joined Apr 16, 2024

Event Coordinators

Sasha Latinovic | Wexford Town, Greenland
Joined Mar 13, 2009
Amitkrishnan Lakshmana Perumal | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Joined Jun 26, 2023