
214 Members
All Events played
51 All Events Played
Team events won
26 Team Events Won

The Unknown Soldier

Ajedrez Chess Friend Para hacer amigos, pasar el rato y tambien competir con otros clubes del mundo, jugamos en las 3 modalidades: Ajedrez Standar, diario y vote chess!! unete a la aventura del Soldado desconocido ¡SON BIENVENIDOS! (To make friends, hang out and also compete with other clubs in the world, We play in the 3 modalities: Standard Chess, Daily and vote chess !! join the adventure of the unknown Soldier WELCOME!)

Super Admins

Margarita Potapova | Moscow, Russia
Joined Mar 27, 2019


Lazaro Mastronardi | San Marcos Sierras, Argentina
Joined Jul 28, 2017