
April, 26, 2022 Plans


Just as an update for streaming, I only recently remembered I have a USCF rated tournament later today xD

Since I get back late from that, I certainly won't have a block of time to stream. With this said, I hope to stream probably tomorrow evening (or somewhere around there).

My streams so far have been mainly puzzle rush survival or playing viewers (and I'm sure many of those will be in the future), but based on how things go, there is a chance I might try something slightly different. I'll be experimenting with a new "Slower Analysis" stream where I show more focus to analyzing one (or two etc. based on how long it takes, but the stream will likely be much shorter than the usual 3 hours-ish) game and go over my thought-process and how I interpret the chess game move by move. 

For this first "Slower Analysis" stream, I plan on going over game(s) of my own (undecided specific game[s] currently though) which I believe will be instructional. If this idea becomes popular, then I might analyze games from titled players or viewers of this channel; I'm starting with my own game(s) though simply because I know what I was thinking mid-game whereas I wouldn't know for sure in games of other players.

Hope to see you there everyone and if you can't catch it live on Twitch, then you can always check it out afterwards on YouTube happy.png


I hope it’s after 8 est lol otherwise I can’t make it sad.png

chaotikitat wrote:

I hope it’s after 8 est lol otherwise I can’t make it

Depending on how others feel about the time, I can adapt somewhat. I might even stream after 8pm est for you @chaotikitat happy.png We'll see if this time works for others too


7:40 I could watch on my phone lol


Just about ready to begin streaming this "slower analysis" - the stream will go over just one game, so I expect this stream to be much shorter than usual. I predict 20 minutes to maybe an hour, but I don't know for sure since this is my first time with this type of stream. Hopefully the game I'll show takes longer than 5 minutes to explain wink.png

Going live very soon happy.png


20 minutes ?!!! Mad man !