
Archive 3: "How I Destroyed Carlsen: The Explanation"


Author: XonTheHumblest 

Alas-Chess World Champion Magnus Carlsen has recently been deafeated by yours truly, me. Simply put, I beat Mr. Clean at his own game, it may have been tough but in the end my humbility took him to the extreme.

Hmm? You want the analysis? Well fine, but it wont do you any good because my capabilitys are more than most of you can comprehend.


Magnus played, how should I put it, pragmatic as he attempted to do everything to get the best results, he is claimed to be a positional player but I dissagree, see i think he likes to play with a little risk, or even strike with lethal attacks but in the end it all comes up to "Your Humbility Will Take You Where Thousands, Even Millions Of People Would Think You Could Not Go" and in the end i had more humbility

Now for some more quotes:

"Are you talkin to me? you want my autograph or somethin?"

"You want a lesson from me, and ill give you one, Lets go!!"

Heres the game:


Hmm? Whats that? the pictures are fake? LIES! If you dont believe me, logozar was (totally) the one to snap them.

anyways im late for my date with fate see ya- xonthehumblest