
Carriage: deep analysis of fairy chess piece


The Carriage is a fairy chess piece created by myself, I usually call it Carriage, but I thought about other names like “Dragon Wazir” or just “Horse” someone even suggested it to be “Xiangqi Matcher”

how it moves: 

How it moves: it combines Xiangqi Horse and Wazir, the main perk of the piece is being a Xiangqi Horse that can move directly 1 square orthogonally

Image above: how a Xiangqi Horse + Wazir compound would look like on the variants standard pieces style


I made a variant where white have Carriages instead of knights:

On the opening white may have some trouble because the Carriage can’t jump over pieces, meaning white needs 2 moves to develop each of their carriages:

And white also can’t do some attacks:
On the middle game the Carriages are slightly better than the opening but they can easily be countered:
On the end game Carriages are really good, they are good even against bishops
It can even stop 2 passed pawns
It can also trap knights on the corners

i think the Carriage is slightly better than knights, I did this deep analysis because this is my fairy chess piece people like the most


It looks interesting, especially I like the design of the Xiangqi Chancellor. What app did you use to create your variant of chess with the Carriages (I'd like to create my own one but Chesscraft doesn't allow me to create the pieces I told you about in the forum)?

RavshanKinjabaev wrote:

It looks interesting, especially I like the design of the Xiangqi Chancellor. What app did you use to create your variant of chess with the Carriages (I'd like to create my own one but Chesscraft doesn't allow me to create the pieces I told you about in the forum)?

Well, for now I only created that variant on my mind, but I will create it to be playable with Fairy stockfish, I don’t think it’s possible to create lame leapers on chesscraft, and that image you called a “Xiangqi Chancellor” is actually a Xiangqi Horse + Wazir coumpound, a Xiangqi Horse + Rook coumpound would look like more like a Dragon Bishop but with a Rook instead of a bishop


I have understood but this piece looks like a Chancellor (I adore Chancellor even more than Queen😊)

RavshanKinjabaev wrote:

I have understood but this piece looks like a Chancellor (I adore Chancellor even more than Queen😊)

Okay, I will make a better design for the Wazir + Xiangqi Horse compound and for the Rook + Xiangqi Horse compound, I like the Chancellor too


I think it'd be more fair ofc if black had carriages as well, but I love the piece!

RavshanKinjabaev wrote:

It looks interesting, especially I like the design of the Xiangqi Chancellor. What app did you use to create your variant of chess with the Carriages (I'd like to create my own one but Chesscraft doesn't allow me to create the pieces I told you about in the forum)?

okay, i made a new design for the Xiangqi Horse + Wazir Coumpound:

its basically a wazir with the wings of the dragon bishop, i would call it dragon wazir.


It looks like the Dark Paladin's helmet)


I like the look, personally I think it feels a little too "free moving" compared to the piece, with the wings and small center, but it looks cool! Have you tried finding the value of the Carriage? I think it'd be somewhere around 3 or 3.5, as based on your analysis it can work against knights and bishops in the endgame, but has struggles in the opening especially. I think someone would have to do some more testing with playing games to accurately find the value. I'd be happy to help with testing, although I won't be able to do live games very often due to school.

kirfickleslups wrote:

I like the look, personally I think it feels a little too "free moving" compared to the piece, with the wings and small center, but it looks cool! Have you tried finding the value of the Carriage? I think it'd be somewhere around 3 or 3.5, as based on your analysis it can work against knights and bishops in the endgame, but has struggles in the opening especially. I think someone would have to do some more testing with playing games to accurately find the value. I'd be happy to help with testing, although I won't be able to do live games very often due to school.

About the Value: I think it’s around 3.2 to 3.5, It struggles a bit on the opening but I think it’s already worth the same as a Knight on the opening and on the endgame it’s worth probably a bit more than bishop