
chaturanga piece values?


does anyone know some piece values for the game?


Queen: 2 points

Bishop: 3 Points

Pawn: 0.5 points.


but the queen is weaker than pawn



The alfils (bishops) are terrible. They can only reach 1/8 of the squares. The ferzes (queens) can at least capture backward, so of course they're better than pawns. My estimates...

  • Pawn = 1
  • Bishop = 0.5
  • Queen = 1.8
  • Knight = 4
  • Rook = 7

It's so easy to dodge a piece that can only jump 2 squares diagonally. They're practically worthless. Remember these are not modern chess bishops, but the lowly alfils of olde.


Chaturanga is so much slower than chess

Tebow2Baker escreveu:

Chaturanga is so much slower than chess

That is exactly why we have modern day chess


So I read about it somewhere that the bishop and the queen are worth 1,other pieces all the same


not my idea..someone smarter told me this. but

  • Pawn = 1
  • Bishop = 0.5
  • Knight = 3
  • queen = 2
  • castle = 5


wish they would make it an official variant. It is super fun.

Tebow2Baker wrote:

Chaturanga is so much slower than chess

I like it, its more strategy.. if anyone wants to play sometime, add me to friends and message me.


how would > make any sense

Pawn has more motion (it can move up and diagonally to take). Bhishop in Chatruang has limited squares it can land on, it can never land on any other square than those specific squares. so if you are smart, you can base your base layout to negate any bhishop play.

randomperson76 escribió:

not my idea..someone smarter told me this. but

  • Pawn = 1
  • Bishop = 0.5
  • Knight = 3
  • queen = 2
  • castle = 5


wish they would make it an official variant. It is super fun.

so... is it a good idea to capture a pawn with the Alfil?


Pawn = 1
Bishop = 1.5
Knight = 4
queen = 2
rook = 7

damafe wrote:
randomperson76 escribió:

not my idea..someone smarter told me this. but

  • Pawn = 1
  • Bishop = 0.5
  • Knight = 3
  • queen = 2
  • castle = 5


wish they would make it an official variant. It is super fun.

so... is it a good idea to capture a pawn with the Alfil?

Probably an even trade

damafe wrote:
randomperson76 escribió:

not my idea..someone smarter told me this. but

  • Pawn = 1
  • Bishop = 0.5
  • Knight = 3
  • queen = 2
  • castle = 5


wish they would make it an official variant. It is super fun.

so... is it a good idea to capture a pawn with the Alfil?


Pawn = 1
Bishop = 1.5
Knight = 4
queen = 2
rook = 7

Depends on the situation but yes it would be worth to trade. There can be times when the ability to jump over pieces or move backwords can be useful on the Bhishop of Chatrung (Maybe at high levels). but at low levels, pawn wall is so much more powerful in Chatrung. 


i think that the bishop is underated, u can jump pieces and give checks, like pin knight thing 


The alfil can reach only so few squares, your opponent must be very bad to leave any tactic. If there existed a piece that only jumped exactly 3 squares diagonally, this would be an even worse piece, and I would be tempted to assign it a value of 0.1 for only being a potential speed bump. Just because it can jump doesn't make it strong.

It can only reach 8 squares and cannot promote. What good is that?

duntcare escribió:

i think that the bishop is underated, u can jump pieces and give checks, like pin knight thing 

knight can go to 64 squares... Alfil to 8 tongue.png


Guys I just played the most Epic game of Chaturang. Where I used my Alfil to trap my oppnents rook and take it. After afew moves, I then Used another Alfil to check-mate my opponent. Look at this game

Move 35 and then Move 52

In addition to this, the Alfil can also create forks. Due to this,


I now have had a change of perception on the Alfil Unit. I believe it is a mid-game/late-game unit that can actually be useful. Its best to the side and preserve them for mid-game or late-game (ie. A3 & H3 for white - A5 & H5 for Black).


My new rankings are below.

  • Pawn = 1
  • Bishop/Alfil = 2.25
  • Knight = 3
  • Queen/Ferz = 2
  • Castle = 5
  • King = 2.5

Queen can go to 32 squares, Knight to 64... Alfil to 8.

2.25 is not possible sad.png


I won´t change an Alfil and a pawn (3.25) for a knight (3).

btw, king can move to 8 sqares and queen to 4. Only +0.5 points to king?


I would rather have 3 knights than 4 alfils