
Fans of famous players League - Roster of members interested


Our club can join the Fans Club League and play monthly team matches against fan clubs of other famous Chess players.  This league plays Daily Matches in both standard and 960 format where currently there are 14 and 12 clubs playing.   Register here please with a comment in this forum if you want to play in the standard format chess Fan Clubs League, and in the match Mikhail Tal Fans 960 Team for 960 -  If and only if there is sufficient interest will we apply to play in the Fan Clubs league.  Please register and comment.


I would be interested in the standard format.


Darren, if we join the league would you be a team representative Admin?


What would a team representative admin be responsible for doing?


you receive messages about new member applications to a club -- some clubs have Admission requirements which you would check, and some clubs accept all applications. You receive team match challenges from other clubs to review, accept or decline. You create a tournament every couple months and invite the whole club to play. You receive round announcements from the leagues and send out team match challenges (or accept) then post the link.


. . . the leagues operate just a little different from one another, and so you can only learn one at a time. Some have a set schedule for 7 months with round announcements on the 3rd of the month with a deadline of 4 days to challenge / accept and open for registration, with games starting on 14th. others start the process on a different day of month, but typically allow 10 days of registration before game start. . . . .


Each league uses a different time zone start time, so you change your zone, the send the challenge or review a challenge check to see if start time and date is correct, accept challenge, post the match link to a forum for the league club, then reset your time zone. League challenges require specific parameters such as min number of games = 10, min number of players = 5 (depending on Division) -- so you need 2 sessions to review the set up on one and build the challenge on the other . . .


Admins who are not league representatives for their club deal with fun match challenges and tournaments to keep the club active; and membership. For fun matches you decide what the match parameters are (with a little coaching) and try not to conflict with league rounds for match start dates. When you accept a new member you post a note to welcome them to the club. Sometimes you will need to help with other duties, including reading up on how one of the leagues operate so as to be backup


Some documentation exists for some clubs for setting up tournaments, and for setting up challenges -- but those forums are drafts in progress . Easy to learn using fun matches before doing league stuff. Our clubs could join in the Fan Clubs league, and the 960 league for the coming season 2024. Your comments and questions would be appreciated.


ok the time has come to register our club