
God and Great Cosmic Elementals


Lucid_Dream7 wrote:

ooh so cosmic logo is the manifestation of god ?Like we call avatars (not the profile pic haha) of Vishnu . The multiple facets of the same infinite? or cosmic logos are devatas like fire, wind ,water etc that drive the nature? 


Cosmic Logos is the Third Hypostasis of God, cf. here:

The symbol of Cosmic Logos is the Spiritual Fire, so He's related to the old Vedic cult of Agni! 🔥

Otherwise, there are Transcosmic Emanations of God called Great Elementals. For example, Paravayu is the Great Elemental of atmospheres on all planets and brown dwarves everywhere in the Multiverse. In the Solar system, Paravayu is the most active on Gas Giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune).

The Planetary Emanation of Paravayu on our planet Earth is called Vayu "God of the Wind".


So, Elemental Deities = Devata driving the Nature. peshka


Yes Igor Agni is the most revered and respected God in Vedic era. Probably this is because fire is the primary source of energy for day to day to life in 4000 years ago. They understood it potential how terrific it's once uncontrolled. And indeed it's the very state of matter that's everywhere ,in every stars,galaxies...The Plasma State !! Respect Agni 🔥🔥🙏