
Just a Warm,Overall Welcome (and Rules to the Club)


First of all, I just want to give all members of this club a warm welcome, and now, let's get started with the rules. So, first off, this club is meant for users rated from (200-1100), which means that if you are too over or too under this range, you cannot join, however if you are a 190 or a 1110, you are free to join the club. Other than that, you will also receive weekly puzzles that will have every move of the solution explained, but we advise you to NOT cheat, since cheating on the puzzles defeats the purpose of us training beginners. Ok so with that down, I will now show you a list of all our rules so that you can see the consequences afterwards:

1. Be active

2. Be nice and helpful to others

3. Don't spam

4. Try to actually practise what you've learned in this club in your own chess games

5. Be open to criticism

Apart from rule number four, which is more of a suggestion and a recommendation, all the other rules are the main points for this to be an exceptional club. If you are on vacation, let's say, and you cannot be active, please report us beforehand with how long you will be going so that we can keep track. As for consequences for breaking the rules, except rule number four, if we find you to be breaking one rule the first time, we will leave you a note telling you why it's bad. If you decide to break it again, you will get a warning, and if you still decide to do it, it may be a permanent ban. If you have any questions or comments about this club, please leave a comment down below.







ok got the rules


Got it