
Look Who's Talking; They Say WE Want "Genocide"



These people are extremist zionist jews. It is this kind of mentality that causes the massacres and bloodshed which we see in Gaza today.

Behrooz_Sadeghi wrote:

These people are extremist zionist jews. It is this kind of mentality that causes the massacres and bloodshed which we see in Gaza today.

Not extremist; that's the average Zionist...


You guys have to realize that Zio-Jews really want to control the world because they REALLY believe that GOD CHOSE THEM?!?! Absolutely delusional, Its hard to believe sometimes, but they say it like they mean it. Also, most directors of Hollywood is Jews, most Presidential friends of Obama were Jews. Judaism is a small religion, yet they are a powerful group and has leverage over nations, economy, etc. For 1000s of years Jews seem to be attempting to actually control the world. Scary


The Israeli regime has a strong lobby and control over US congress. Some members of the Congress are not Jews, but they hold dual US/Israeli citizenship. By controlling the US congress, the Isareli regime is influencing international policies of the US. All the wars in Iraq, Syria and Palestine are due to this Jewish and zionist influence and control over the lawmakers in the US.

Same is true regarding the banking industry in the US. Many of the members sitting on the board of directors of major US banks hold US/Israeli dual citizenship. So, this way the Israeli regime can contol the flow of money and influence the econonmy.

Next we go to the media. Many of the major players in the film industry and in the media also hold US/Israeli dual citizenship. This way they can influence and control what information or what lies they can feed to the American citizens or to the world in general.

By controlling three elements of lawmaking, money flow and media in the US, the Israeli regime can commit a genocide in Palestine without worrying about any repercussions.


@Behrooz_Sadeghi , you know that one day all the news stations in the US only had Netanyahu speaking, as in he was addressing the war and he said he was going to "win" the war. Its insane, I live in the US and I can tell you 100% that Israel controls the media here more than the US government does. May Allah waken those who are ignorant to what's happening.