
Mod Abuse on Twitch


Banned on twitch for inappropriate one liner joke. No Warning. When Alex was playing GM they were asking the stream what they are playing for.... I said they are playing for nudes. As a joke obviously. I was perma banned. No warning nothing for that. A joke.... 


That is a bit extreme dont you think?



Maybe dont make a joke like that next time. Alex has actually had a conversation about this 1 or 2 months ago so thats probably why you were banned


Hey I get it and I don't get it. I know some people out there can't handle anything in the slightest. I also understand its not my stream. They set rules and mods are just following them, but seriously though. This is not ban worthy in my opinion, but it is what it is. Been watching for years. It's a shame I was just to out of control.

hoyshanuk5 wrote:

Hey I get it and I don't get it. I know some people out there can't handle anything in the slightest. I also understand its not my stream. They set rules and mods are just following them, but seriously though. This is not ban worthy in my opinion, but it is what it is. Been watching for years. It's a shame I was just to out of control.

Well I guess one person does it, then other people start doing it and it gets weird and out of control. Imagine streaming in front of thousands of people, and they even tell you to get off because they want your streamer. And also she is a female on a male majority platform so that can be painful. The slightest things could make a difference


Looks like they Canceled you! They are the same ones who need safe spaces at our universities. You committed a microaggression.  They hate free speech, and if they don't like what you say, they censor you, or at college, they get the mob after you.


yeah, the easiest way is it don't words like that and try to be family friendly



But they are real hypocrites. Some of the Streamers in PogChamps 1 were very profane, and sometimes quite nasty. But, that's the world we live in. It is sometimes very unfair. 


Did anyone else find it funny


Patriot1776 wrote:

Looks like they Canceled you! They are the same ones who need safe spaces at our universities. You committed a microaggression.  They hate free speech, and if they don't like what you say, they censor you, or at college, they get the mob after you.

The heck? Bruh this is a chess blog, not exactly a place for spewing the conspiracy theories. Nobody is here for your nonsense, we're here for chess. Try Reddit


You might think it's harsh though you would't make those jokes if it was say Naka v Levi, people would just think you're weird, and if they let those jokes slide, then, as someone else pointed out, it just gives license to others. Also, it's their stream, so they can do what they want. 

Patriot1776 wrote:

Looks like they Canceled you! They are the same ones who need safe spaces at our universities. You committed a microaggression.  They hate free speech, and if they don't like what you say, they censor you, or at college, they get the mob after you.


Whiny little bitch says what?

CapturedPeace wrote:

You're not the only one. I was banned for making a joke once to, with no warning. It occurred while Alex was playing a video which was meant to be funny but it was awful. It was a comedy sketch where a guy was describing how much he enjoyed vaginal sex. He was describing the action, in great detail. After it was over, Alex decided to play a bullet match against GM Hammer.  To which I joked..."And now a quicky with Hammer."

I was immediately banned. My only comment too on the topic. I've never made a sexual or inappropriate comment before. I never comment on either Alex or Andrea's appearance. I'm not a 12 year old idiot. I made one simple joke and I was banned. 

I also had been watching the stream for years.

The problem is they have some really bad moderators. Not all of them, but a couple who don't know wtf they'r'e doing. 

Fortunately, there are lots of streams on Twitch to watch.


Yeah. That deserves a ban. The fact that you have been watching for years makes it even worse. You should know better.

Patriot1776 wrote:

But they are real hypocrites. Some of the Streamers in PogChamps 1 were very profane, and sometimes quite nasty. But, that's the world we live in. It is sometimes very unfair. 


I thought for a split second that you might be satirising an idiot, but only a split second.

Feel free to post an example of a pogchamps contestant objectifying an opponent during their "profane" comments. (spoiler: he won't, because he can't)


Lol it says be relevant and kind guys


Obviously it was a poor taste joke, but a joke nonetheless... I don't see how it objectified anyone tho
Well, welcome to the cancel culture era brother, u should watch the Netflix special Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones, its about shit like this.


Fascism always loses in the end. I'll leave with a smile knowing Alex had to have seen this and did nothing for me.


Alex doesn't have time to look at these forums

