
Studying Tactics


Hello everyone,

I was wondering how everyone is trying to study tactics. What books/software do you use, what kind of problems do you study? How many time do you invest in studying tactics weekly?

I myself am now working the book: Chess tactics for champions by Susan Polgar. Furthermore I use the tactics trainer feature on However I seem stuck around 1600 tactics trainer for 1 month now. Any idea's?





I'm not. Well...very little anyway

I use CT-Art for around an hour every month or so, and every once in a while when the fancy strikes me I do a puzzle or two from John Nunn's Puzzle Book.


Anybody have any quality info on Mating Nets?

How to create one with examples!

royalbishop wrote:

Anybody have any quality info on Mating Nets?

How to create one with examples!



Does that say Vladimir Vukovic and how many examples?

Has to be atleast 10 minimum!

A whole chapter on the subject or whole book?

What year?

royalbishop wrote:

Does that say Vladimir Vukovic and how many examples?

Has to be atleast 10 minimum!

A whole chapter on the subject or whole book?

What year?

 Don't worry it's quite appropriate, and widely regarded as one of the greatest chess books of all time. It's a whole book about attacking the king (uncastled, castled, fianchetto castled, queenside castled etc.), there's chapters on mating patterns, focal points, bishop sacrifices etc.


Yeah, does discuss "Mating Nets"

i have books on patterns, it has been hard for me finding info on Mating Nets!!!

I can patterns free of the internet or just look at GM games of a player take about 20 -40 of them on one color with similar openings.  Save a lot of money then if your stuck look for note on the game on the internet.


ok, suit yourself Undecided


I see you do not get my point, which is the point.

I need something on the subject of Mating Nets.

Key End Game Theory to winning a game. I can set them up but it usually random.

Do not want to lose a tight game and the opportunity was there and i blew it.


Ok, enlighten me. What do you think a mating net is and why do you have problems constructing one? Use diagrams if necessary


I an not sure that is why i want more info it.

From what i gather from a book i was reading. It consticts your opponents King movement while surround him with your pieces on the wing where the King is located. At the same time on must be aware of any freeing move like a check on your king or a possible look for being too aggressive and you being mated.

I need to know the different situations/categories for creating one. I am cheap. So almost all me info is free and found better info than i found in any book on the internet...FOR FREE. I talk to everybody so i get  more free info.

Lack of info is why i have constructing one. How to ride a bike. Any kid can get on the first time and go a couple of inches.....they may even go a yard then they fall off. Then next they lose their balance and can not go an inch. How to use it is more of the issue and use effectively. Games often come down to info and one move. More so when you think you a person in mate in 4-5 moves and have to choose between 2 moves that look great. And you have a feeling one of them is not mate and will cost you the game.

I can mate, no problem. But any extra tool i can find and apply against my opponent i search out and would tell anybody learning chess to do also. Hey i was just playing Vote Chess and was telling the team i was on if we let the opponent make this move game is over in 15-20 and we could only win if they blunder and that was not likely. See it can be used for defense purpose also. I

I like to know info on the Mating Net so i can also avoid being caught up in one in a game. Took some looks on the internet to find it. Not to clear, might be searcing in the wrong place. Did not have time as i was also researching othe info also.

As i was reading my book it sounded like powerful stuff. But i got like only 2-3 sentences on the subject. That is basically what i am getting everwhere i look. So now my interest is really peeked. Rare info that some players are unaware of ....GREAT! More wins.....more fun leads to more game, more wins, more fun, more games, more wins, more fun...............


please, try this good website:


i use ct-art 3 & 4, solving an average 0f 35 problems/day by theme.


seisrawan's winning chess tactics

l.alburt's & s. palatnik's chess tactics for tournament players

d. Lemoir's how to become a deadly tacticians

j. plaskett's can you be tactical genius?

M. weteschnik's understanding chess tactics

hope this helps...all d'best


See i have a problem with Tactics study.

You can live without and i can live studing it.


Well i learned basic tactics and then advanced

 and found something serious wrong with my game.

It lacked foundation at the time. Now i know how much is missing.

Something Tactics can not fix or learning an opening.

How to Analyze a situation? Then how to react to it with Tactics and etc.

I found Chess is like making dinner.

You have several things ranging from Veg, Meat, Pasta, Bread and etc Juice and etc. And afterwards Cake or Pie. Not then just have a Pizza.

Each food has its ingredients. And that may have to be prepared.

See where i am going.

I want the directions how to make the ingrdients so i can make the food.

So i can make dinner!  Checkmate!


in addition to studying tactics, someone, has advise me to read silman's re-assess your chess and re-assess workbook and also analyze one's game. in our chess community, there's a number of expert level players who helps us improve by playing with them and over our games, afterwards to see what needs to fix. one has to have a positive attitude and stay focus on improving.'s study plan for u1400 & u1800, are structured and comprehensive very worth regardsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Yeah i saw that in the Book store. Good but not in top 5 for my priority right now!

I have enough basic understanding of Tactics and you should by 1700.

But playing on this, the fight has been in the first 3-5 moves.

When i won that fight by material (it could be won by postion also)

all the tactics are easily available, pins, forks and etc.


Oh by the way if anybody is interested the book shown below is a good buy

I went to the store to check it. Suprised i saw it but not looking for it!

It was the average price for a good book among them.

For a better price go online.


On the other hand it was not the book i needed at the time.

Just do not go out by a book because it is excellent.

Buy it based on your needs or .....will finish the book and that problem will remain. Even more so if it is the #1 or #2 problem with your game and driving you crazy.


thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 4 d'tipssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, i have it in electronics form ebuk...regardsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss