


When all is said and done, the thing that wins most chess games is tactics. In chess there are certain tactical patterns that will occur in game after game. Unless we've seen the pattern before, the chances are we will miss it during play. Almost certainly dropping rating points we don't need to be dropping. have a tactics trainer. There is also one at Lichess. Don't worry about your rating, as you may at first not do so well. But just like a game of Trivial Pursuits, when played often enough one can memorise every single question and answer. You'll be in the middle of a game (chess, that is) and from the depths of your memory a tactical pattern will emerge, one remembered from your training here at the site.


Simply scroll your mouse over the Learn tab on the left hand sidebar and click Tactics. You'll be taken to a trainer that will put your skills to the test. A year ago today, Finlay's tactic rating was around 1400, as of today it stands at 2162. Being over 100 greater than my own rating, it is very hard to get that high... but when training every day it is certainly achievable by any one of us.


Good luck.