
The War Poem




Some buildings on the right,

hiding there will make us out of sight.

Time approaches, never far away,

We should scuttle away,

Without delay.


On the other hand as we speak,

We can see a messenger bird clapping its beak.

Not ours,

definitely theirs.

And anyone smart enough can see,

it is not trying to swallow a bee,

but sending a message to our enemy,

"That building is big enough to hide,

twenty pirates inside".


Upon hearing what I said, one of the pirates palled.

Tom, he is called.

But then, he said,

"I think there is a way,

to lead the revolution astray."


Another pirate, Aiden, rebuked,

"Trickery is not nice, you must know.

Would there be another way to go?"


Tom glared and replied,

"We're pirates, freak. It's what we do best. If we don't do it, I fear,

we are all in great danger.

We must not stay here!"


I stared out of the top windows,

With my binos,

and I yelled, "Arrr! Quit arguing! We've got the Revolution on our tail!

We've got to bail!"


Tom frowned,

and mumbled,

"Cap'n is right, I should 


But we have no boats..."

Aiden snarked,

"Hah! Cap'n is always right, we all must believe.

So, we should leave."


I frowned,

"It's a good thing that I'm like the thrower,

and you all are,

the obedient spear,

for me to control everything about ye,

but something is amiss, I fear."


Tom rolled his single eye,

as if to bid good-bye.

I thought he'd be,

perhaps, my brother,

I would ne'er,

ne'er, ne'er,

get him at all.


Tom sighed, and mumbled, "You all may be right,

Let's get to a safe spot first, before we fight."



The War Poem was one of my earlier works when I was exploring summarising a length drama script into a poem... Hope y'all like it🤗




Thank you 


This sweet poems hide like a whole story inside it 😊.





hehe yeah

