
TOP CHESS OPENINGS: Wayward Queen Attack: Bongcloud Gambit


After playing this move, look up at your opponent and silently stare him in the eyes, daring him to make the next move, to prove just how worthless he his, to prove just how he can't play chess. Continue to stare him straight in the face and quietly say "Do it", and watch as he backs down. Then, after you've beat him in a battle of wills, beating him in the game should be easy.




haha that was good one chat that was good one, hahaha that was actually good hahaa


that was a good one


If I was white I would resign right there, cuz there's no way I'd win after that.


Oh my, as a struggling 1100 i should make that my primary move, thank you for enlightening me with such open, may whoever you want love you and for you to have a great Second, Minute, Hour, Day, week, month, season, Year, decade, half a century, and century.






bro why are you posting political things


Wait isn't it checkmate for black after queen takes e5 pawn?

PranavBalaji66 wrote:

Wait isn't it checkmate for black after queen takes e5 pawn?

You don't understand a meme

Six_Pack_Of_Flabs wrote:

After playing this move, look up at your opponent and silently stare him in the eyes, daring him to make the next move, to prove just how worthless he his, to prove just how he can't play chess. Continue to stare him straight in the face and quietly say "Do it", and watch as he backs down. Then, after you've beat him in a battle of wills, beating him in the game should be easy.



Lol I have actually won with the bongcloud with 90 acc.