
What is your favourite movie centred around chess?


It's an emotionally charged and inspiring drama about a man who searches for the courage to lead, despite his own adversities - finding purpose and hope in passing on his gift to the children in his community.


Hi there's not a lot of movies about chess i saw this old one


Two masters of chess duel each other not only in their game but also in their different ideologies. The veteran Akiva is a Soviet Jew and ferocious Communist, master of his game but also dealing with a declining health while the young and restless genius Pavius has defected to the West to escape from the Communism tentacles. Their differences will be put to test while they're both competing in the World Chess Championship, with a huge prize at stake just as much as the political ideologies behind those characters.


Kind of dated and not a favorite, but I remember renting it back in the early 90's, only for the titties. My mom was like, "Night Moves??"  I said, "Yea, Knight mooves, like chess?" 

Had a short preview recently and might have to revisit - was pretty nuts. Tournament between two kids.. one of 'em lost and then lunged over the table, choking the other kid to death. 🤣

Recommended by a friend here on the site. Tobey Maguire was pretty solid. Was a little bit over the top and completely Hollywood, but entertaining nonetheless. It's about the 72' Championship between Spassky & Fisher. 👍🏼👍🏼

Documentary of Magnus. Just watch it. 

Other than those 3, the only movie I knew of was Searching for Bobby Fischer - which many have probably seen already. Now that I'm actually playing chess though, it probably also deserves another look.


excellent movie