
Young players rule in USCL


The rules regarding team ratings seem to favor having young talent on your team:

1. Each team is allowed to use any rating list from September of the previous year through August of the current year. The ratings shown on the matchup page will all be from August of the current year, thus sometimes resulting in higher ratings than would be legally allowed.  This means that the team in question is likely using a different rating list.

Some of these 12 year olds can jump 200 points in a year, so that makes them an outstanding value when you can use a rating that is up to a year old!

Here's an entertaining game with 12 year old Justus Williams (2167) taking down NM Craig Jones (2286) in Monday's Carolina vs. New York match.


with two pawn promotions ready to happen I would've resigned myself. I would've Queen traded a time or two during this game but that's why I'm at the skill level that I am I guess LOL