
I am a chess lover . Recently many of my friends and fans  wanted to know  what things i have been following as they saw me playing  online daily tournaments where FIDE rated players have also this information  i am leaving on my profile because its not possible to individually respond to every message and explain things  .....I am studying GM  Artur yusupov's  training series of 9 books on my own  ..which is quite hard but practically productive in long run the day i finish all of them.....i will be playing fide rated tournaments to achieve FIDE rating ....right now i am a  government employee ....For TACTICS I am studying woodpecker method book for puzzles by GM Axel Smith ....and 1001 chess exercises for club players by Frank Erwich....let me see where i would finish in this journey .....if anyone who could guide me any other stuff or books are welcome .....other than books i have learned from you tube channels too.....i have been a D4 player ... In the beginning i played queens gambit....but soon i got bored playing it ....then i switched to  playing London system from white side ....for this i followed Chessbrah channel system speedrun by GM Aman hambellton ....for 1 year well as building habits playlist on his chessbrah channel as well as Chessbrahxtra channel ......then i started playing london system ....and since 3 months i have been following IM Alex Banzeas chess channel for london system ....which has improved me a lot playing london system ....due to which i have defeated more than 6 fide rated players and 1 TITLED player NM in my  daily tournament on ...thanx to chessbrah aman hamellton and alex banzea for developing my game as a london system player.....against E4 i  play french defence or caro cann ...and against D4 i used to play the reversed london when allowed .....or the slav defence against d4 ...but slav defence is way to slow and its not sharp.....i am on learning curve those who want to advise me they are most welcome ...thanx to all my friends and seniors for support....i am on a chess journey...i have spent money only on buying books ...but havent spent a single penny till now on youtube chess content ...i have studied from all free you tube chess  content ....but now i am thinking to buy alex banzeas london system course  if i will step to FIDE OTB tournaments .......please dont give me daily challanges or rapid or blitz or any format ...i am not free for these stuffs right now ..i am just concentrated to study chess books and to improve my game