
Hello everyone!!! After several years of playing chess casually, I started taking chess more seriously around March 2023. Since joining, I went from about 500-600 Elo to 1700-2000 Elo in all time controls in just a year! My goal is to become a titled player and hopefully a GM. Although I haven't competed in any OTB rated chess tournaments yet, I'm hoping to play in one soon. My favorite chess player is Magnus Carlsen. Some of my favorite openings are The Queen's Gambit, The English, Sicilian Defense, Levitsky Attack, and Trompowsky Attack.

Some of my other hobbies include Language learning, Juggling, Coin collecting, Gardening, Rock collecting, spending time outdoors with nature, and hanging out with my pets.

As for my language learning, I'm currently learning Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew, German, and a few more very casually. Out of those languages, Spanish is the one I'm being most serious about. However, I am also aiming to be able to understand and speak Romanian and Hebrew.

Juggling is one of my other hobbies that I really enjoy. A good friend of mine inspired and taught me. I have been practicing for about a year and am able to juggle 4 balls at once.

I've also been learning how to solve a Rubik's cube. I'm not able to solve it completely and haven't been serious about it in awhile but I hope to learn the rest eventually. I'm currently able to solve the first two layers and part of the 3rd/top layer.

I get so many messages asking how I improved so quickly, so I will share my journey and will update it here. 

Since I was very young, I knew how to play chess. However, I only played casually until late 2022 or early 2023 when I started to take chess more seriously. I began playing chess at a local chess club around the beginning of 2023. At the time I created a account on March 15th 2023, I was only around 500-600 Elo rating. I also started watching chess videos on YouTube about openings, tactics, and various educational videos about chess. During the first year or so after creating a account, I was watching chess videos consistently and playing games by the thousands! I steadily improved and climbed in rating. One thing to keep in mind, ups and downs are part of improving. I have lost well over 150 Elo in a day countless times, but eventually I gained it back and set a new personal peak. After about 16 months or so, I became less consistent in watching chess videos, but have remained playing a large quantity of games consistently. I have since climbed to a peak of 2196 Bullet, 2119 Blitz, and 1987 rapid.

Advice: Find what openings you understand best and play those. Don't be afraid to experiment. Watch chess related videos often and consistently. Try to learn something new or improve what you already know. Play many games and focus on improving. Play all time controls, Bullet, Blitz, and Rapid. The game above is one of my most beautiful games! I played with over 94% accuracy and delivered a smothered checkmate! It was 30 sec bullet which makes it much more difficult to achieve such a good

Here's a game where I checkmated a 3000+ rated player in 10 sec bullet.

Shoutout to @BattleChessPlayer007 @BattleChessFighter007 Stay strong! <3 

Ariecheque, Bray Falls.
Ariecheque, Bray Falls