

MartinLS | 06.08.2010, 18:55

Sorry---forgot to congratulate the winners. 

(I was so excited to see the end, forgot where I was :))

It's DONE!

MartinLS | 06.08.2010, 18:46

Thanks to all who have participated.  While it took a lot longer than anticipated, I think there may be a potential solution in the next series of rounds.  Hope to see you all again in the not-to-distant future.

Good luck in your next event (s).



MartinLS | 01.06.2010, 20:31

Sorry all.  Didn't think that a "no vacation" tournament would take this long          (eight months and counting).  Whew!  Both groups are still alive for 1st and 2nd in round three, but there has been SOME movement.

Next tournament will have to be a one day deal.

Keep those pawns moving---please?

Round 3

MartinLS | 20.04.2010, 17:38

Wheeldog and Serb75 are the first to move in round 3. 

Luck to all and "keep those pawns moving".

We're almost there

MartinLS | 09.04.2010, 10:22

It's taken a while, but round 3 should be starting soon.  Two of the five groups in round 2 are still incomplete, but only one position is in doubt.  Although I won't be among the finishers, I wish everyone moving forward good fortune in the coming weeks (months?).  Keep those pawns moving---


MartinLS | 14.01.2010, 10:43

To all the Friends and Foes going into round two.  Congratulations and let's have some really good games. 

To those that came up a bit short, thanks for playing.  I think the next tournament will be for players closer together in the ratings and then a final of all the winners---we'll see.

Anyway, thanks again for the play and good sportsmanship.

progress as of 12/15

MartinLS | 15.12.2009, 20:23

After no movement in the percentages in 2 weeks, we are getting very close.  One game left in group 1 and 9 and 3 games left in group 4.  The pawns are definitely moving ( be it ever so slowly ).

If I don't post another message, everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, or a Happy Chanukah or a great Al-Hijira & Ashura.


MartinLS | 18.11.2009, 21:46

November 18 and we're at 57%.  We're sneaking up on the next round.

Three groups are finished and moving on to round 2.  Group 1 and 4 have 4 games remaining.  Groups 2, 5 & 10 have 2 games to play and groups 6 & 9 have one to go.

The pawns are moving---


MartinLS | 08.11.2009, 19:18

November 8

50 % complete.  Is the glass half full or half empty?

Looks like the games are moving along nicely.  Only one group finalized, but several are decided and only waiting for the finish of  a game or two to set the advance of folks to the next round. 

Keep those pawns moving---

progress as of Oct 25

MartinLS | 25.10.2009, 17:51

October 25th and we're at 37% and we have closure in group 7---Jonmark and dawkins_rottweiler advance. 

It's going a little slower than I had hoped, but everyone is being extra careful.  With a 3 day time limit, it will take a little longer, but the end result should be some excellent games (fewer flubs?) and a really representative group at the end.

Keep those pawns moving!


MartinLS | 17.10.2009, 18:10

Almost two weeks into the tournament and we're about one fourth of the way thru.  Pretty good.   However---group one has NO games completed and group two has only two games done.  Don't want to exert too much pressure, but ---

Hope you're all having fun.


MartinLS | 11.10.2009, 19:26

Way to early for any predictions, but we're moving along nicely as of 10/11.  Keep up the good works and don't forget to have some fun!

Tournament start

MartinLS | 05.10.2009, 12:00

We're on our way!  Good luck everyone and have some fun.


MartinLS | 02.10.2009, 16:19

OK gang---here's the deal.  I'm going to start the tournament on Monday, October 5.  I am also going to TEMPORARILY raise the player limit to 60 to accomodate the folks that are not qualified per the criteria, but are interested in the competition---that, so the tournament will not start too soon.  Just before the start time, I will remove players that are not "Friends or former Foes" (starting with the highest rating to the lowest) to get to the 50 player limit.  If everyone is lucky, we'll all be in the mixer on Monday.  Again, good luck to all.


MartinLS | 02.10.2009, 12:37

We're doing very well in the registration.  Thanks for your interest.  However, there are a few players that are not "Friends" or former foes.  If not enough folks sign up in the next few days, I'll allow your names to stay on the list.   But if 50 of those that were invited and specified in the tournament description wish to play, it wil be Friends and Foes first--- I'll have to honor their wishes and remove your names from the list.  Sorry.  Maybe we can be foes in the future.


MartinLS | 29.09.2009, 16:01

WOW!  You folks are awesome.  Nearly 50% full after the first day of releasing the invitations. 

Lots of players (and some really good ones).

Lots of points to be won.

Lots of really good games to look at for analysis after the tournament.


I have a few more invitations to issue as soon as I can pull up my archived games & tournaments, but it shouldn't take too long to get to 50.

Speed of play

MartinLS | 29.09.2009, 09:59

I just did a time check on a sample of my friends and discovered that a maximum 3 hour time restriction would eliminate 80% of them as possible competitors.  So, I'm changing the number to 6 hours.  Hope this won't cause anyone to drop out and I appologize for not doing my homework.