Taco Jr's 2021

27 Miembros
19 mar 2021
1 evento jugado


Need to register to Chess.com and should have a valid login account.

Principles of a Swiss System tournament are:

1.The number of rounds to be played is declared beforehand.

2. Each round will have a duration of 20 mins with 5 mins grace period.

3.Two players may play each other only once.

4.Players are paired with others of the same score, or nearest score.

5.When possible, a player is given the white pieces as many times as he is given the black pieces.

6.When possible, a player is given the colour other than that he was given the previous round.

7.The final ranking order is determined by the aggregate of points won: 1 point for a win, 0.5 point for a draw and 0 point for a loss.

8.A player whose opponent fails to appear or if disconneted from the game for a scheduled game receives one point.

9.Winner will be awarded based upon the rankings from chess.com


Note: For kids it will be 6 rounds and for adults it will be 4 rounds !
