Leia maleklubi

Princeton Chess
“Princeton Chess” online tournaments are free for all. We started during pandemic, and have organized more than 1000 tournaments. &nb...
1 530
Les rois des échecs
un club international, accueillant de nombreux pays, convivial et familial vous attends! Bienvenue dans notre club !!  Nous invitons tous ...
This is the group representing ''CAMEROON'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gram...
I like beer and Chess
  Rules for entering and staying at I like Beer and Chess 10 complete daily games.2 months of Chess.com.Not having 15 percent Time Out ...
3 899
Ab Imo Pectore
This is Ab Imo Pectore, a very active international group to play chess. We organise Team Matches, Tournaments and Vote Chess. The club focus is on...
Team of Slovak players
Team slovenských hráčov reprezentujúcich Slovensko v New Wave League, Power league, Olympiada TC a WC a FR a aj v ďalších ligách ktoré sa hrajú na ...
ChessKid.com Official Club
The place for official site news, updates, and special ChessKid offers. Stay tuned for more!   What is ChessKid? | Register an account | Testimo...
7 536
Team Taiwan 台灣
Hello and welcome to Team Taiwan on chess.com! This is the group for all chess players from Taiwan or have connections with Taiwan. We are the offi...
2 666
The Dog's Nose Club
The Dog's Nose Club is a competitive club that likes dogs. We usually have around 5-10 upcoming daily matches, one starting every 5 days or less....
Triveni Continental Kings Fan Club
Welcome to the Triveni Continental Kings Fan Club! As the reigning champions, our Kings deserve the best support from their fans. Join us for weekl...
I don’t know what to put here, so use your damn imagination✨
Harvard Chess Club
Official chess club of Harvard University for online matches. To join, please state name and year ('23, G2, etc.).
Team Buenos Aires
https://www.chess.com/club/matches/team-buenos-aires/1503707Team Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...
The Pokémon Fans
This group is for all fans of Pokémon! Whether you like the anime, the movies, the cards, or the games come join us! We will discuss Pokémon and pl...
1 104
ANONYMOUS - Demanding the Impossible
“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.” ― Ursula K...
1 738
The Netherlands
Dit is een openbare club en iedereen is hier welkom, Als je lid wil worden, meld je aan dat is alles.het is wel handig als je Nederlands kunt, wan...
15 368
NCS Adventure House
Private Club for NCS
University of Calgary Chess Club
Koonung Chess Club
For students at Koonung Secondary College, Victoria
Asia National Team
  Here is your invitation to join Asia National Team. The purpose to rebuild this Club is to bring all Asia chess players together, make goo...
1 696
The Royal Falcon Club
You are welcome to join The Royal Falcon Club. We are a team of Amateur & Professional Chess players from all over the world united to share ou...
1 310
Tohoh! See klubi on keelatud.