یک باشگاه شطرنج پیدا کنید

TJ Bohemians Praha
Club representing real chess club TJ Bohemians Praha - for more information visit our webpages (http://www.sachybohemians.cz) Patříme k největším...
The Great Viking Warriors
Great Viking Warriors is a very active group. We play team matches including Team Match Champions League (TMCL) and TMCL960. We have a very good Vo...
За све добронамерне шахисте. Придржавање правила цхесс.цом. Join SK Leštane, we are the team that is the vice champion in the arenas organized by ...
Les rois des échecs
un club Français qui a de grandes ambitions ! Bienvenue dans notre club !!  Nous invitons tous les joueurs et joueuses passionn&eac...
Chess University - Chile
Chess University Affiliate Club para los residentes de Chile quienes desean mejorar en el ajedrez. Este club sirve para ayudar a la comunidad de aj...
The Avengers Club
🌟 Welcome to The Avengers Club: Where Chess Meets Heroism! 🌟 Are you ready to embark on a chess adventure unlike any other? Join us at The Avenge...
안녕하세요, 체스인사이드 클럽입니다 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chessinside 네이버 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/chessinside 인스타그램: @chessinside
Minnesota State Chess Association
This the official group for the Minnesota State Chess Association (MSCA). The MSCA is the state affiliate to the United States Chess Federation (US...
NM Sam's Chess Club
For hanging out, talking chess, organizing matches, playing daily chess, and more. My Twitch channel is https://www.twitch.tv/samcopeland. I usuall...
Future Legends
Hello friends!🖐.Come, join our club and become a future legend♟️and a champion 🎊.we will have fun together 🤝and become a strong chess players and c...
Christian Chess World
Psalm 1. 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the sc...
The Players of Chess
Welcome join if want to play chess and chat \
Chess.com Schachmatt
Hi chess friends! I cordially invite you to our club! There is a lot to offer in our club, for example club fights or tournaments where we can pla...
Hola, espero te encuentres bien. Queremos invitarte a que formes parte de nuestro equipo. Representamos al Club Atlético Platense (el marrón, el c...
Union of Rising Phoenix
Rise with us! Join the Union of Rising Phoenix Chess Club, a competitive team of chess enthusiasts. With 1250+ members, our team is dedicated to he...
Velcro and the dots
Weekly viewer arenas every Friday at 3 PM PST! https://www.twitch.tv/velcrodot In an effort to reduce any suspicious accounts and make this a fun...
Correo Mayamail
Continente sudamericano e invitados (South American continent and invited)
K2 Lounge
Club about chess and many other topics of discussion  We hope to reach a balance, since many clubs lean towards one extreme or another. If you ar...
Union Chess Club
We are a part of the UCN Community! We are a part of FreeChess!  Welcome to Union Chess Club 🙏 About the club- There were a ...
Nemo's Pool Party
WGM Qiyu Zhou's chess club! Qiyu is also known as Nemo. https://twitch.tv/akaNemsko
The Brawl Stars Fan Club
What’s up Brawl Fans! Join here for ACTIVE Brawl Stars talk and make some friends! Post any forums you want as long as it has something to do with...
Scacchisti italiani principianti che organizzano tornei interni e sfide con pari livello di altri club 
Phoenix Chess League
Welcome to Phoenix Chess League! Phoenix Chess League (PCL) is a newly created league in 2024, which intends to bring events between clubs in mul...
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