
Elo 4312?


Player have rating elo 1001 and under 18 yeard old. He play 90 games per month (first game 8:00, second game 12:30, third game 17:00) every day three games to FIDE rating. He play with players who have elo over than 1400 and win all games.
1001 + 90*36,8 = 4312.
Can he have rating 4312 (!) the next month?


I didn't do the math, but if he kept beating all of the highest rated people, eventually there would be no one left to raise it higher quickly. He could reach around 3500 though. 


Why not start at 2399?


This player has elo 2114 on March and the next month 2540 (!)

So, if player has elo 1001 and win all game with player who have over than 400 points and he has 18 yers old he won 36,8 points per game. If he play 90 games (3 games per day) the next month elo 4312. If start 2399 he must win with over than 2798.