
anybody beat 2000+ computer?


Just tried a few times and felt like the computer was ridiculously good.  I've beat a 1600+ player once ( otb ) and was expecting to do ok but it seems imposible to even draw. I can't see myself getting close. Anybody on had any success? Is it a good way to get better? I liked the low pressure setting of an unrated game.


In the past i beat it w/ black and white---but i have a loosing record against it(2000 hard) . Set it at 1200 and work on keeping equal through the opening.  Good luck


I beat 1200 easily. Congrats on beating the 2000! Our rating is similar so looks like it is possible.


Just beat the 1600! Was hyperfocused though had to sac a piece and lucked out. So I'm sure there're plenty of folks here who can destroy the 2000 computer since i'm not much of a player.


The guy who beat me rated 1000 online Undecided did in his last two games against it.


Today i defeated 2000+ level on


I beat it. It's not that hard if you have a plan, play carefully and don't make any big tactical mistakes. I can play against him now and post a PGN if you want.

Playing against Shredder 4 Classic is 10000 times harder. I lost about 15-20 games and just recently drew one (time control was 1-4 seconds for Shredder vs mine 2 days :P):

18th move is one of the best moves I've done in my short chess history.

I have played a lot of shuffle chess games ( without Castling ) against computers.
The awkward thing it is with a Computer, is... it's just awkward and frustrating, like now Foot in Mouth.

First off, we can say: '' the far Majority of Chess is Tactics. ''

Well, fair enough, but here comes th clue: '' shuffle chess has no Opening Theory!! ''

so what you try to do, is avoiding Tactics, because computers have Tactical Mastery.
But what you gonna do to avoid them? You try to avoid them, you make weak moves, you lose. You go head to head, you make mistake finally, you lose.

With Classical Chess the opening stage is far easier, since you can pick out a Strategic opening ( and ofcourse the computer picks out a tactical one ).

You are forced to move a piece twice in the opening? Very likely that you will lose, even if it was a good move.
You have a weakness, somewhere, but still have played the best moves? Still, you will lose, because you must attack and therefore create tactics to compensate for that weakness.
The thing is, you CANNOT always play the best moves against computers unless you can ALWAYS play the best moves.
For this, you don't want to make the best move to avoid these tactics, and you lose, since you made a too inferior move and... ugh, you are in battle with yourself everytime, like: '' Will I think very long or short? Should I play the best move or not? Did I found the best move? does it creates too much Tactics (?) can I find a strategical, more economical move? ''  

'' If you think too long, and you lose, you will face Demoralization. If you think too short, and you lose, you will face Depression. ''

Anyway, this is for me. Playing shuffle chess against a computer you must go ahead in battle as objective as possible, and not with general chess principles hindering you, and with doubt wehther you should play the best move or not, like me.

I am already damaged. 


I won against 2000 computer! It was hard, i lost for several times, but once you concentrate enogh you can do it. On lichess i'm rated 1330, so I'm not the best, but i think playing with a human rated 2000 is much harder, becouse the computer plays brilliant moves that are very though for most of the game, but for equalize it makes a super blunder at one point, when I've played 2000 humans they may not play engine moves, but you'll never see them blunder! 


I'm worked my way up to level 13 (2000) got soooooo close , was up a minor peice  with my queen still strong  and made one blunder then boom... I havent gotten close since lol


I beat Mrs Claus (the bot) which is rated 2000 and I am only 1200 blitz rating



I played the Ruy Lopez against Noam (2200) and got a draw, but my head was hurting after the game, thats how difficult it was...


I wanted to beat the 2000 level computer. 

But I never got the chance. 


Anyone played against Stockfish level 6 , they claim its 2300, but I've won many games agaist it, a few years ago it was estimated to be 1900 

Defence4Gizchehs wrote:

I have played a lot of shuffle chess games ( without Castling ) against computers.
The awkward thing it is with a Computer, is... it's just awkward and frustrating, like now .

First off, we can say: '' the far Majority of Chess is Tactics. ''

Well, fair enough, but here comes th clue: '' shuffle chess has no Opening Theory!! ''

so what you try to do, is avoiding Tactics, because computers have Tactical Mastery.
But what you gonna do to avoid them? You try to avoid them, you make weak moves, you lose. You go head to head, you make mistake finally, you lose.

With Classical Chess the opening stage is far easier, since you can pick out a Strategic opening ( and ofcourse the computer picks out a tactical one ).

You are forced to move a piece twice in the opening? Very likely that you will lose, even if it was a good move.
You have a weakness, somewhere, but still have played the best moves? Still, you will lose, because you must attack and therefore create tactics to compensate for that weakness.
The thing is, you CANNOT always play the best moves against computers unless you can ALWAYS play the best moves.
For this, you don't want to make the best move to avoid these tactics, and you lose, since you made a too inferior move and... ugh, you are in battle with yourself everytime, like: '' Will I think very long or short? Should I play the best move or not? Did I found the best move? does it creates too much Tactics (?) can I find a strategical, more economical move? ''  

'' If you think too long, and you lose, you will face Demoralization. If you think too short, and you lose, you will face Depression. ''


Anyway, this is for me. Playing shuffle chess against a computer you must go ahead in battle as objective as possible, and not with general chess principles hindering you, and with doubt wehther you should play the best move or not, like me.

I am already damaged. 

Im rated 1180 roughly I improved by 500 already this website says im only 1180 though and I beat the 2000 rated bots like 5 times. The reason you lose is because either you dont have a plan or you dont understand how to play aggressively. You cant just keep thinking trying to not make a blunder because eventually the bots tactical and aggressive abilities will overpower your passive defense. Im rated 1180 on this website because I make random blunders. Reason? Too much rapid


iv had a draw against noarm when i was in the 800's iuno how i pulled that off


Managed to beat Li todayhappy.png at last, really tough opponent i must say! Also played Ahmed today three times and lost in the endgame in one, lost today again to Noam, crazy difficult!


I did, albeit it was Coach David.

KieferSmith wrote:

I did, albeit it was Coach David.

That's not what the guy was talking about 11 years ago.

It’s funny to hear about a bot called Shredder. I wonder how Shredder would do against Li.