
5 Dubrovnik Sets Comparison


Those are beautiful knights and so full of details! Do you know who the master carver was who carved this? But this isn't the original right? Is this the 1970 redesign model?

Edit: meant 1960


+1 That's beautiful!




Makes me wonder how the full set I bet it has wonderful history behind it.


For me, I love boxwood. I love being able to see the grain and it has a yellow tint to it that just has an aged/antiqued look to it. Maybe this might have something to do with the walnut maple board. This is what I think about every morning when I wake up and see one of my sets on my board. However, the Noj maple is just out of this world. The finish makes the maple grain look 3d. You just can ask for more. I would love more sets offered in maple but I also love the boxwood at the same time.

Analog_Player ha escrit:

Excellent carving, nice design, beautiful work with no doubt. In my opinion not the best dubrovnik knight design but nice to see diferent designs. Thanks for the pictures.


What is the best dubrovnik knight by Your opinion? Can You post some images? I am curious because I research dubrovnik chess sets for 5 years now and I find this one best.


Well, I don't actually own any, I judged the pieces thanks to the pictures that people post on this forum and the one I like more is the Statunton Castle antiqued set (apart, of course, of the original set). I am currently doing my own set and I have based it on the SC one, tomorrow I will post some photos. 

Analog_Player wrote:

I am curious because I research dubrovnik chess sets for 5 years now

What did you find out?




I prefer the SC Knight.  Let me know if any measurements are needed. I can maybe post pictures with measuring tape if that helps. 


I like the 1950 design the best and for that it's a tough call between Noj and Official Staunton knight. I go for Noj.

This is from Noj webiste:


Here is my Noj 1950 knights but please keep in mind this is not the original design Noj produced before 2018. It is still beautiful though.


It's certainly is mr M...that's your unweighted set right? What's the weight of the unweighted king if I may ask?

TheOneCalledMichael wrote:

It's certainly is mr M...that's your unweighted set right? What's the weight of the unweighted king if I may ask?

Thanks! It is my unweighted set. I don't have a scale so I don't know. I should get one but it might not be a good idea given that I have OCD. Weight would be another thing to obsess over.


As I promised, here you are, This is the dubrovnik set I made, it tries to be a copy of the SC version and that's the final result. Maybe. in the future, I'll try to make my own version.


for those who like the fat rooks I made one but I don't know wich one to include in the final set

I think the knight is too small in comparison to the other pieces, so I started another one


Dang! You are one skillful guy.


Holy crack. That looks amazing. I'd buy a set. I vote for the fat rook on the left  thumbup.png


@Jacmater This is only my opinion but I think it isn't the knights that is the problem. I think there are two groups of pieces in terms of size proportions. I think the pawn, knight, rook and king are promotional to each other. The bishop and queen are proportional to each other. If you adjust the bishop and queen to the other 4 or vice versa then you should be in a good shape. I think the former would be better.


Holly molly! Me likey very much!

If I may say something. I'd say the characteristic of Dubrovnik set are among others the broad bases so I'd say make the knight, bishop and queen broader bases, the pawn little bit broader base. Then either the king little taller or the queen little shorter to get the line straight (from pawn to king). 

I'd say you're talented sir!


@Jacmater Oops I forgot to compliment you earlier. I agree with the Michael and @Magictwanger. You are talented.