
Chessbazaar Lardy reproduction


So Chessbazaar has released their Lardy reproduction:

Seems to be available only in sheesham so far...



I actually prefer Sheesham for the dark pieces. Sheesham is a nice golden brown color & quite striking IMO. The Lardy pieces are a classic design & were top dog in the day. The price is real good with shipping included. Thanks for posting this nice set.!


I also noticed that they didn't shoot it in front of a fish tank... :)



Like, no way. It looks like no Lardy chess set that I've ever seen, probably to an even greater extent than The Chess Store's faux "Lardy". Why even suggest, much less claim, that either of these chess sets have much of anything to do with any chess sets ever made by the French Lardy company?

Real early Lardy chess sets

Real late Lardy chess sets

Late Lardys I'm personally familiar with, as they were the wooden chess sets that were owned by my first chess club, and by almost all of the club's members that had their own wooden sets, and were nearly the only wooden chess sets seen in tournaments in the U.S.A. until the 1980s, as they were the wooden sets that were sold by both the USCF and Chess Digest, who together supplied most all U.S. chessplayers with books and equipment. I even own a 2.5" 1970s French set, purchased from Chess Digest in the early 1980s, that is probably a Lardy.

Can someone please show me a Lardy chess set with knights that look anything like the Chess Bazaar or The Chess Store "Lardy" knights?

Also, please notice how every one of the real Lardy sets actually have the points of the queens' crowns taller than the tops of the kings less their filials. Apparently something of a Lardy "trademark", and a feature which both the Chess Bazaar and The Chess Store "Lardy" chess sets lack.


Love it. It looks so great.


Never mind the knight, have a close look at the queen: in the Lardy set it has a very distinctive design, nothing to do with what I see in the set by CB.


On its own merits and not a Lardy set my first impession was the Club set I bought from HOS for $34.99 which was 1/2 price  (regular $75)  about 8 months ago.  So with shipping I think I paid about $48.00.  So for this set I would pony up about $55.00 if they would sell it to me for that price shipped.  It does look like a nice Club set.

As many know, if you are breathing, that eBay has original lardy sets week in and week out and they sell in the range of $45-$75.  They are not rare and the design is a bit boring in my opinion.  

But this CB set has a place as a lower end set that looks great for club or tournament play as it looks rugged and a very plain design.  I would say a good price point since shipping is always free from CB would be betwixt $50 and $60.00.  

I feel that this is a very fair review. 


Well, it's Lardy-esque - I'll put it that way.  It reminds me of The Chess Store Lardy, but with a wider base for the king.


I've never really seen a Lardy so I have nothing to really base it on as far as the historical perspective is concerned.  That said, I kind of like the look of this set.  Nothing earth-shattering but it looks like a decent set for playing with.  It actually kind of reminds me of a larger version of one of the first chess sets I ever had so maybe my nostalgia is clouding my better judgement. :-)  


Well, here is a pic of a bona fide Lardy set (from Izmet on this forum):

And here's the picture from CB site saying this is what they call a Lardy design:

Here's a piicture of their newly released set:

If you want a low priced option, The House of Chess has this set:

The price is $49.95 with shipping at $12.95.  This makes the total cost $62.90.  And the set looks just as good as the CB one for $74.99.


Oh Lordy..! Nice point.!Surprised


It is 10 dollars cheaper but.... you get what you pay for?

It would be really funny if NOJ had a lardy for $800 because an uncle wants it. I mean it would be funny because you will be saying that it totally worth it.

From what is out there in the market I think the most similar set to this CB Lardy is the one at the chess store:

Now some things to consider.:

The chess store is $5 dollars cheaper, but the shipping is not free.So in the end it will cost more, how muich more? it depends to where you are.

The chess store set is "golden rosewood" for the dark color, wich we know it means Sheesham.

So there you have it, 2 sets of similar quality and same wood combinations. In my opinion CB will come as a better deal after shipment cost, not for much but still...


The CB Lardy is now available in stained jet black as well:


Although the black version seems to have the wrong photos. (Liberty)

Edit: And the sheesham Lardy has been updated with CB's standard "fish tank" photos. I think they heard you FrankHelwig! :)


Yay... Fish tank... :)


Since the copy right on the Liberty set & the French Lardy set set should be long since EXPIRED why can't Chess Bazaar get it right..?? I read that copy rights are expired after 20 years & not sure if they can renew them or not.? Any Lawyers here.?

9kick9 wrote:

Since the copy right on the Liberty set & the French Lardy set set should be long since EXPIRED why can't Chess Bazaar get it right..?? I read that copy rights are expired after 20 years & not sure if they can renew them or not.? Any Lawyers here.?

I am certainly not a lawyer, but I'm not sure where you got the 20 years duration from.  In the US, if you're an author your works are copyrighted from date of creation until you die and 70 years past that (that's for any applicable written work after Jan. 1, 1978).  If the author dies and work/income from it were left to someone, that person can apply for extension(s).  Copyright is a nightmare.

Copyright's a confusing thing at best and, in this case, it'd be a French lawyer that you'd need (Lardy pieces were designed in France, yes?).  


I think CB got the Lardy rigth. The liberty... I'm no sure.

A case for copyrigth againts CB is almost imposible to work. Anyway to stope someone from saling "fakes" the link to g ois this:

You can also try to stop the indian factories to produce some models, the link to follow is this:

And I am pretty sure after all this you will not have anything more than the corncern that there is LEAD on the products.

Why is this?

Well the laws are not that simple. Some people talk about 20 years, some people talk about lifetime... the true is that it all depends of when where and how.

For instance, to have secure the property rigths of something before 1976 there had to be clear disclaimers and notifications on each copy of the product. Any mistake on this matters and all rigths would have being lost for ever.

After 1976 is not that easy to lose the rigths but still it can happens.

The case of lardy is very straigh forward, there is a popular design nobody owns, call the "french style" a company name lardy works this design. This company stoped existing on 1988 so you can be pretty sure all the pretentions on the designs are, at this point, abandonee.

You can see this link to learn about Lardy chess sets:

And please notice that in the same set the horses doesn't even match. Too much for the people here saying that CB set doesn't match the horses of a diferent set... as if Lardy even care about this.

What is clear about this is that Lardy as a company doesnt' have a clear set design for their product. So try to make a case up on this.

The liberty set. I don't really know that much about the history of this set. and I don't really care much for it. I know it is popular, I don't know why. What is clear is that the HOS design have some kind of atractivenes to it that is lost on the CB design. The CB liberty set looks to me like a guitar out of tune. The CB Lardy is just perfect.

Anyway we are here talking about Lardy sets, here a picture from the chess museum link I posted above, the 4 horses belong to the same set, please tell me wich one is the one that resambles less the CB lardy:


Canonical Knight is right about the copyright. I searched for patent instead of copyright. My mistake. Both the Lardy & the Pinney sets made by Chess Bazaar look great to me & highly playable. Its hard to go wrong with either IMO.