
Is Komodo 8 moody?


Komodo 8 often gives different evaluations for moves that shortly transpose into the same variation.  I've seen a difference in evals in this situation up to a tenth of a pawn.  This isn't a major problem, but seems odd. Foot in Mouth


I believe I've also seen the evaluations differ for the same position at the same ply depth if the position is run again on a different day.  


I can't really explain the second situation.  Why does this happen?  Undecided



Years ago, when we all had single processor PC's, chess engines were determinisitc in their play and evaluations.  

It's different these days.  There's a bit of randomness.  Maybe this thread at Open Chess is what you're looking for ---->> Deterministic chess algorithm

Crappov wrote:

Years ago, when we all had single processor PC's, chess engines were determinisitc in their play and evaluations.  

It's different these days.  There's a bit of randomness.  Maybe this thread at Open Chess is what you're looking for ---->> Deterministic chess algorithm

Ditto -- I was going to say that chess engines are not necessarily "deterministic", meaning you don't always get the same output, given the same input.  See:


 Thanks, that explains it.