
Knights to Remember

Pulpofeira wrote:

22 chess sets?! Are you married, @loubalch?

Hah! I am. And I understand the question happy.png

Pulpofeira wrote:

22 chess sets?! Are you married, @loubalch?

Not for 41 years! If you average it out, it works out one new chess set every 2 years. Considering I already had two chess sets at the time of the parting or the waters, that's not too excessive. Also, the sets cover seven different size chessboards, 1.75" to 2.5"

P.S. She took the appliances, the rugs, the couch, the chairs, the dinette set, and I forget what else, but left me my chess sets, my stereo system, and my Captain MIidnight Secret Decoder Ring! And moved out to California to live with her parents.

Pulpofeira wrote:

22 chess sets?! Are you married, @loubalch?

Lol, Dani!  🤣

LesuhAn wrote:
Pulpofeira wrote:

22 chess sets?! Are you married, @loubalch?

Lol, Dani!  🤣

Check the postscript I attached to my last post.


Ok, so it wasn't because of the sets. tongue.png

loubalch wrote:
Pulpofeira wrote:

22 chess sets?! Are you married, @loubalch?

Not for 41 years! If you average it out, it works out one new chess set every 2 years. Considering I already had two chess sets at the time of the parting or the waters, that's not too excessive. Also, the sets cover seven different size chessboards, 1.75" to 2.5"

P.S. She took the appliances, the rugs, the couch, the chairs, the dinette set, and I forget what else, but left me my chess sets, my stereo system, and my Captain Midnight Secret Decoder Ring!  And moved out to California to live with her parents. Light-complected, red-headed, and Irish, I imagine she's developed quite a tan since then.



Aww Lou!

If you can't remember most of it you probably didn't miss those things too much, hopefully.

Sounds like you were living your best life, playing chess to music wearing your Captain Midnight Secret Decoder ring and free to shop for all the chess sets your heart desired and your bank account would allow!

LesuhAn wrote:

Aww Lou!

If you can't remember most of it you probably didn't miss those things too much, hopefully.

Sounds like you were living your best life, playing chess to music wearing your Captain Midnight Secret Decoder ring and free to shop for all the chess sets your heart desired and your bank account would allow!

No wife, no kids, no pets, no plants, no worries!


You tell me! Mine is mad at me right now, heaven knows why. Also a Celt, rarely gets a tan, but burns. grin.png

loubalch wrote:
LesuhAn wrote:

Aww Lou!

If you can't remember most of it you probably didn't miss those things too much, hopefully.

Sounds like you were living your best life, playing chess to music wearing your Captain Midnight Secret Decoder ring and free to shop for all the chess sets your heart desired and your bank account would allow!

No wife, no kids, no pets, no plants, no worries!

I can see the appeal. I do worry too much about my family and pets. Maybe, because I couldn't keep the plants alive, lol.

Pulpofeira wrote:

You tell me! Mine is mad at me right now, heaven knows why. Also a Celt, rarely gets a tan, but burns.

Uh oh, as a woman perhaps I should leave you gentlemen to commiserate with each other. 😉


No, sorry! She gave me two lovely sets. happy.png

Knights above.


OMG this post has so many comments.

GambitHawk escribió:
Pulpofeira wrote:

No, sorry! She gave me two lovely sets.

Knights above.

 What wood is that for the one on the right? Elegant.

I think it is boxwood.


@Pulpofeira the color and the shine on the boxwood is gorgeous. The other knights look like tigers to me. 🐅

@elwen200 this post was recently revived. It started in June 2016!

GambitHawk wrote:
loubalch wrote:

The Red Sandal knight on the right is probably 18-20 years old. 

That Knight, representing such glamour, in its very beguiling Red Sandalwood, strikens me with dismal sorrow as I cannot help but notice the crack.

Yes, but it's only a hairline crack, that's much more noticeable photographed close-up and in bright lighting. In hand, you can barely see it. There really isn't much I can do right now. If the crack splits further I'll undertake repairs. With a set this old I consider it battle scars.

LesuhAn wrote:
Pulpofeira wrote:

You tell me! Mine is mad at me right now, heaven knows why. Also a Celt, rarely gets a tan, but burns.

Uh oh, as a woman perhaps I should leave you gentlemen to commiserate with each other. 😉


I love women! It's not their fault that I've never had a relationship that survived cohabitation! It's just that I've always had an inordinate need for lots of space, which usually had me traveling in another orbit. Or to use a chess metaphor, it ended up like bishops of opposite color.


@loubalch aww, that is good to hear! The first part, of course. 

@GambitHawk 44 powerful queens and umpteen pawns that could turn into queens? 😁


Happiness is a new chess set!

There are times I feel that chess is for the birds!

GambitHawk wrote:
LesuhAn wrote:

@GambitHawk 44 powerful queens and umpteen pawns that could turn into queens? 😁

That would be 440 of them assuming each set came with spares. And this does not include his "travel" queens. @loubalch isn't kidding when he said he loves women. 


Three magnetic travel sets, two with extra queens. That would make it 49 queens (44+5). This means I have seven-squared (7^2) queens to play on eight-squared (8^2) chessboards.