
My experience with Chess Bazaar


Another thread gone to sheet, and once again Sound67 is at the center of it.  Disappointing.  

That image and the inference you allude to has not been posted by me. This is not the forum for your snipes. Please find another avenue for your character assassinations.

Hey sound67 I would like to ask you a personal question.  Do you have a drinking problem?  You seem to go through these personality changes, and maybe related to time of day?  

sound67 wrote:

I don't drink too much. I drink exactly the right amount. 😉

I approve as long as your posts make me laugh like that one did.  happy.png


The bullying and intimidation of those who dare criticize their sacred cow on bad service and quality is truly something to marvel here.

@sound67 Save me your fake tears about "racism," German guy! You would probably be the first volunteer on the guard posts eighty years ago, cheSS Bizarre Oberführer. Or is it Commissar sound67?

Anyways, I am glad you like my image. Here, I updated it to include NOJ looking down on all the poor service and low quality peons from the rooftop.


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