
New Chessnut project


3rd party application support is not implemented yet. What you see in the various videos is a mock-up.


It appears to be slower to submit moves then the chessnut air. That's a big bummer.


They made an update, it has been sped up. One of the more recent videos shows it, about 1 sec or less, definitely faster than the Air.

Rsava wrote:

They made an update, it has been sped up. One of the more recent videos shows it, about 1 sec or less, definitely faster than the Air.


Kromok2 wrote:

Are you kidding me ? What is the need of an "embedded" smartphone/tablet for an online chessboard ? That's nonsense. What is the square size ?

Embedded means reliable, continuous connection just like the tried and tested serial connections to the DGT boards like the ones used in major FIDE tournaments and championsips. Bluetooth and USB connections have had issues with maintaining connections especially when the phone/tablet/computer use power saving modes.

Clrdk wrote:

Yes, offcourse, you have to make you own conclusion. It is another way to go, but I like the ideas with this board so far, integration with and

I've only seen a teaser demo from the YouTube channel of Chessnut with the supposed integration as seen here. Anyone have an early release and tried this themselves?

chessroboto wrote:
Clrdk wrote:

Yes, offcourse, you have to make you own conclusion. It is another way to go, but I like the ideas with this board so far, integration with and

I've only seen a teaser demo from the YouTube channel of Chessnut with the supposed integration as seen here. Anyone have an early release and tried this themselves?

I have not tried it myself, will give it a go today and let you know. Pretty amazing board, I am sure it works as the video shows but will let you know.


@chessroboto - I just tried Chessable with one of my courses that I own and it worked perfectly.

I was able to follow along, see what pieces were being moved, move my pieces and have them record in the lesson.

Rsava wrote:

@chessroboto - I just tried Chessable with one of my courses that I own and it worked perfectly.

I was able to follow along, see what pieces were being moved, move my pieces and have them record in the lesson.

Thanks for the input. Did you find it counterproductive to setup the board just to go through the digitized chess book through the built in tablet of the Evo?


No, because I would setup a regular board in the past with either the computer screen or an iPad and work through it. That was the big draw for me with the Evo, having the tablet built into the unit means I can be sitting anywhere and I do not need to also have a tablet or computer next to me. Allows me to focus more on the chess.


I have the EVO.

It's worth it!

Yes, is still has some glitches but overall, very happy.

One thing I have some disappointment with is the ability to customize engines based on PGN games that you feed in. It generates a weight file you use in the LcO imbedded engine (comes with Stockfish, LcO, and Maia). This was my main reason for buying the device. Something isn't right here. Made a Morphy and Carlsen engine and an IBM Deep Blue engine based on their games, and I can beat them all. Playing style may be right but strength. No way! Maybe this is one of the glitches the Chessnut team needs to update. They have been pretty responsive so far. Even with this feature not working exactly as I expected, I'm still happy with the purchase.

Lately I'm finding playing the chess Dojo app with the board is very smooth with no hiccups and a nice easy review of the game afterwards.

If any fellow owners have an EVO and are getting strong engines trained from PGN games they entered, then let me know what I'm doing wrong here. I may start a new thread on here about the EVO for users. If anyone knows how to do this on a standalone PC please tell me how its done.


I also have been disappointed by the engine training which produces weakish "bots" that don't even mimic the opening repertoire of the target player well at all.

There are quite a few glitches during online play where you have to fumble around (move the screen, reset the screen recognition button, even go to android prefs...) to get the recognition to work again, even with standard board themes etc.

Also worth noting is that you don't have access to Play Store so all apks need to be downloaded and installed, which is not ideal (some chess apps like Chessis need Play to access the Pro features.)

xctbl wrote:

I also have been disappointed by the engine training which produces weakish "bots" that don't even mimic the opening repertoire of the target player well at all.

There are quite a few glitches during online play where you have to fumble around (move the screen, reset the screen recognition button, even go to android prefs...) to get the recognition to work again, even with standard board themes etc.

Also worth noting is that you don't have access to Play Store so all apks need to be downloaded and installed, which is not ideal (some chess apps like Chessis need Play to access the Pro features.)

re: the "glitches" - make sure your unit is fully updated. If it is and you are still experiencing glitches, then record a video of it happening and send it to so they can fix it. I have not had the issues you talk about for quite a while, the only thing I really ever need to do is turn off "ChessNutVision" (or whatever they call it) and back on which can be done easily while playing in about 2 seconds, and even that is rarely.

re: PlayStore - yes, this is common with custom Android loads. My company sells 2 custom, purpose built Android devices with our own custom OS. We took off PlayStore access as well - we don't want people just going out to the PlayStore and loading up other packages that may not allow our app to work properly.


Hisrcs have not updated their app on iphone and ipad for alomst 5 years now.


I just received an email confirming that the Chessnut EVO has been shipped!

Chris-NL wrote:

I just received an email confirming that the Chessnut EVO has been shipped!

You're going to love it. There is a club here for people who have Chessnut boards (Air, Air+, Pro, Evo). Small right now, we hope to have more as we get the word out.

Just a place to maybe find someone to lay games with, ask questions, etc.


Thanks for sharing! I just joined the group


With the EVO, is it possible to play on the board with a friend on site and save the game? The Mephisto Phoenix can do that.


With the EVO, is it possible to play on the board with a friend on site and save the game? The Mephisto Phoenix can do that.

Yes it is.


@ Yes it is.
ok...then I have to keep looking how this is possible. For me, the only option shown is to play against an internal bots or online.