
Turkish Chess Set


Turkish Chess Set 


Turkish chess set

National Tournament Chess Pieces of Turkey (in the 60s - 80s)


Turkish chess set (plastic)


In the photo Turkish chess (plastic), the most popular in Turkey in the 60-80s. It's that kind of design.


I don't know if this chess has a name and how they are called in Turkey.


The Turkish Chess Championship has been held since 1962. It was these chess pieces that were played in the Turkish championships in the period from the 60s to the 80s.


To be continued...



Turkish Chess Set (plastic)
the most popular in Turkey in the 60-80s. It's that kind of design.

Photo :
Viktor Korchnoi in Turkey (1977).Turkish Chess Set chess pieces on a chessboard



Turkish Chess Set (plastic)
the most popular in Turkey in the 60-90s.

Photos 80 - 00 years :





Turkish Chess Set (plastic). These chess are still played in Turkish chess tournaments. 2022



In the photo: Ataturk Mustafa Kemal (1881 - 1938) The first president of Turkey, a cult personality. Plays chess with children (Turkish Chess Set)
This photo is a famous forgery, montage. Link to investigation
As you can see in the photo, the most popular Turkish tournament chess pieces in the past. This once again proves that "Turkish Chess Set" (plastic) is the most iconic chess pieces in Turkey.

Turkish Chess Set ( plastic)


National Tournament Chess Pieces of Turkey (in the 60s - 90s)