
Best Chess openings and Counters


There is a lot of different opening you can do, depending on whether you are white or black.

IF WHITE: I advise 1. e4 and continue with opponent moves.


1.e4 1.e5 I recommend Vienna game/gambit/opening

French Defense: Consider the Wing gambit.

Sicilian Defense: Use the Alapin

I do not think anything else comes up often after 1.e4

IF BLACK: Wait for the first move

If 1.e4: Just counter with Scandanavian defense

If Queens Gambit: Counter with Albin counter defense.

I Recommend learning from the youtuber GothamChess. 

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I agree with you but the Alapin isn't really trash. Still I'm very happy every time I face it because I often get to destroy the White center


I hope I get this guy in a major over the board event!  I would trash his Wing Gambit (both 4...cxb4 and 4....d4 are strong) and his ideas as Black are no better.

Scandi is dubious at best.

Albin is garbage.  3.dxe4 d4 4.a3!

2.Nf3 or 2.Nc3 or 2.Bf4 he clearly has no answer to!


The Alapin 1 e4 c5 2 c3 against the Sicilian is the best on the list. It was recommended and played by the leading theoretician Sveshnikov.
Scandinavian 1 e4 d5 is good too. It was recommended by Larsen to reach an improved Caro-Kann.
The other recommendations are at least dubious.

tygxc wrote:

The Alapin 1 e4 c5 2 c3 against the Sicilian is the best on the list. It was recommended and played by the leading theoretician Sveshnikov.
Scandinavian 1 e4 d5 is good too. It was recommended by Larsen to reach an improved Caro-Kann.
The other recommendations are at least dubious.


The Scandinavian is not an improved Caro-Kann.  If anything, it is the other way around.  It is a poor man's Caro-Kann.


vienna at least dubious?



1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 f4 d5 is dubious for white indeed. It is playable, but that is it.
Not even my words, those of Larsen, who played both Scandinavian and Caro-Kann.
They both aim for the same position, with c6 and Qc7. The Scandinavian move order avoids the Advance, Exchange, Panov-Botvinnik variations in the Caro-Kann.
Here 'poor man' Larsen makes short work of the reigning world champion Karpov. 


Sveshnikov recommended the Alapin over the Open Sicilian, because in the Open Sicilian white trades a central d-pawn for the wing pawn c and thus black gets a won endgame if he survives the middle game. In the Alapin white plays d4 without trading a central pawn for a wing pawn.
Svesnikov played it himself. 

Sicilian is a different story.
Scandinavian and Caro-Kann lead to the same positions, but the Scandinavian move order offers certain advantages, as Larsen remarked. He played the Scandinavian himself.


against QG just play Austrian Variation 2.c5 

against the French play the Steiner and aim to transpose to the Diemer-Duhm Gambit of the French or to the Diemer Gambit of the Slav with 1.e4 e6 2.c4 d5 3.d4

against the Sicilian play either 2.Nh3 the Brick Variation or 2.c4 the Staunton-Cochrane Variation which transposes to an English in some obscure line 

Black against 1.e4 I either recommend the Masi Variation of the Caro-Kann with 1.c6 2.Nf6 or 1.e4 Nc6 the Nimzowitsch Defence or 1.Nc6 2.f6 the Neo-Mongoloid Defence or 1.e4 a6 the St George Defence or 1.e4 e5 aiming to play 3.d5 against the Italian or 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 b5 avoiding all Vienna's 



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ChesswithNickolay wrote:
adityasaxena4 wrote:

against QG just play Austrian Variation 2.c5 

against the French play the Steiner and aim to transpose to the Diemer-Duhm Gambit of the French or to the Diemer Gambit of the Slav with 1.e4 e6 2.c4 d5 3.d4

against the Sicilian play either 2.Nh3 the Brick Variation or 2.c4 the Staunton-Cochrane Variation which transposes to an English in some obscure line 

Black against 1.e4 I either recommend the Masi Variation of the Caro-Kann with 1.c6 2.Nf6 or 1.e4 Nc6 the Nimzowitsch Defence or 1.Nc6 2.f6 the Neo-Mongoloid Defence or 1.e4 a6 the St George Defence or 1.e4 e5 aiming to play 3.d5 against the Italian or 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 b5 avoiding all Vienna's 


I am not sure about the french or against e4 but the rest is absolute garbage. Especially Nh3 and the Stauton Corache.


Diemer-Duhm is garbage too!