
bot that plays fried liver


im trying to practice the traxler but i dont know a bot that only plays fried liver


Martin, Nelson, Aaron have played it against me once


You just contradicted yourself. It is impossible to play the Traxler (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5?! Bc5? +-) and the Fried Liver (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5?! d5! 5.exd5 Nxd5?? 6.Nxf7!)

Both are bad and should never be played:

4.d3! Or 4.d4! Are both better than 4.Ng5?!

4...d5! Equalizes immediately after only 4 moves while 4...Bc5? Is borderline losing

5...Na5! Gives White absolutely nothing if Black knows the theory while 5...Nxd5?? Allows White a massive attack.

So if a Traxler or Fried Liver ever occurs on the board, both sides are playing bad chess. White's 4th and Black's 4th are bad in the Traxler while White's 4th and Black's 5th are bad in the Fried Liver. Make White pay for playing Ng5 and play 4...d5! And 5...Na5!

ThrillerFan wrote:

You just contradicted yourself. It is impossible to play the Traxler (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5?! Bc5? +-) and the Fried Liver (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5?! d5! 5.exd5 Nxd5?? 6.Nxf7!)

Both are bad and should never be played:

4.d3! Or 4.d4! Are both better than 4.Ng5?!

4...d5! Equalizes immediately after only 4 moves while 4...Bc5? Is borderline losing

5...Na5! Gives White absolutely nothing if Black knows the theory while 5...Nxd5?? Allows White a massive attack.

So if a Traxler or Fried Liver ever occurs on the board, both sides are playing bad chess. White's 4th and Black's 4th are bad in the Traxler while White's 4th and Black's 5th are bad in the Fried Liver. Make White pay for playing Ng5 and play 4...d5! And 5...Na5!

im 1400 rapid not 2000 like you theres no bad openings and clearly i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver


maybe ill just stick with the giuoco piano game

Noo0bb wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:

You just contradicted yourself. It is impossible to play the Traxler (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5?! Bc5? +-) and the Fried Liver (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5?! d5! 5.exd5 Nxd5?? 6.Nxf7!)

Both are bad and should never be played:

4.d3! Or 4.d4! Are both better than 4.Ng5?!

4...d5! Equalizes immediately after only 4 moves while 4...Bc5? Is borderline losing

5...Na5! Gives White absolutely nothing if Black knows the theory while 5...Nxd5?? Allows White a massive attack.

So if a Traxler or Fried Liver ever occurs on the board, both sides are playing bad chess. White's 4th and Black's 4th are bad in the Traxler while White's 4th and Black's 5th are bad in the Fried Liver. Make White pay for playing Ng5 and play 4...d5! And 5...Na5!

im 1400 rapid not 2000 like you theres no bad openings and clearly i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

lol he did basically the same thing to my in another forum when I said I played the scotch gambit :\


I'm on mobile, but if you go under the Learn -> Practice menu, you can set up a Custom Position and play the computer from that position. I forget where it is on the desktop, some menus get shuffled.

Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

magipi wrote:
Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

he is but most people think that the knight attack and the fried liver are the same thing...

joshforthewin wrote:
magipi wrote:
Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

he is but most people think that the knight attack and the fried liver are the same thing...

whats the difference

 Noo0bb wrote:
joshforthewin wrote:
magipi wrote:
Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

he is but most people think that the knight attack and the fried liver are the same thing...

whats the difference

joshforthewin wrote:
 Noo0bb wrote:
joshforthewin wrote:
magipi wrote:
Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

he is but most people think that the knight attack and the fried liver are the same thing...

whats the difference

ok thanks


I think it's a minor technicality of when the Fried Liver begins... is it the setup with Ng6 or commitment to Nxf7? GM Finegold says one move and IM Rozman says another.

Nonetheless, I understand OP wants a bot they can use to practice the Traxler.

You can setup a position in the analysis board or click the analysis button on the above board. Press the button to "practice vs computer". It will default to the strongest engine setting, however, you can select a bot and continue to play from that position.

magipi wrote:
Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

I think Noo0bb means that if he were to play the moves of the fried liver as black, the bot would sac the knight. But, instead of playing the fried liver as black, he wants to play the Traxler to practice it.

tree55555 wrote:
magipi wrote:
Noo0bb wrote:

i was saying that i want to practice the traxler AGAINST a bot that plays the fried liver

As ThrillerFan said, that's impossible. The Traxler and the Fried Liver are two different things.

When you say "Fried Liver", you probably talk about the "Two Knights Defense, 4. Ng5 variation", and not about the Fried Liver. Probably.

I think Noo0bb means that if he were to play the moves of the fried liver as black, the bot would sac the knight. But, instead of playing the fried liver as black, he wants to play the Traxler to practice it.

what. i just wanted to play the traxler i didnt have any intentions of playing the fried liver or the knight attack


You can select any bot, go to custom and set up the position you want to play.


A lot confusion on this thread.

Lets break it down:

The above position is the Italian Game

Black can respond 3 different ways:

Nf6 - Two Knights Defense

Bc5 - Giuoco Piano

Be7 - Hungarian Defense

The above position is called Italian Game: Two Knights Defense

White can respond 4 different ways:

d3 - Mainline

Ng5 - Knight Attack variation

d4 - Can transpose the line to Scotch Gambit

Nc3 - Can transpose the line to Four Knights Game

The above position is called Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Knight Attack variation

Black has 2 moves they can play in response

d5 - Mainline or Normal Variation

Bc5 - Traxler CounterAttack


Do you understand now?

The Traxler is a deviation away from the main line.

It is a side line variation and it’s not very good.


If we was to keep going down the line to show where Fried Liver Attack is.

This position is called Italian Game: Two Knight Defense, Knight Attack, Normal Variation.

Black has 5 moves they can play:

Na5 - Polerio Defense

Nd4 - Fritz Defense

Nb4 - Kloss Gambit

b5 - Ulvestand

Nxd5 - It has no Official name and is considered an error. Played a lot by beginners.

White has 2 moves they can play.

Nxf7 - Fried Liver Attack

d4 - Lolli Attack

The Offical name of the above position is:

C57 Italian Game: Two Knight Defense, Fried Liver Attack