
caro kann advance help


3...Bf5 is usually played, as developing the light squared bishop out of the pawn structure is one of the advantages of the Caro-Kann, but there are not many reasonable alternatives (maybe 3...c5). At that moment it's too early to look for different variations as the pieces haven't been developed yet, and 3...Bf5 is the most sensible development move. If you don't like that position, maybe it's best to look for another opening or to try to find a subsequent offbeat move several moves later.


There is quite a few books out there with caro-kann theory, and recommendations for black.
ChessBase is also possible, find your favourite Caro-Kann player and play what he plays. 


The only real issue with the advance is that similarly to a French, without use of f6 for his knight, black has a little trouble developing "normally".  But the Bf5 move is certainly good, and often white will wind up playing Bd3 for the immediate exchange because the prospects for his king bishop just... aren't that great on e2.   If white plays without that exchange, there's all kinds of ways for black to consolidate.  It's a little tight but of course, Caro-Kann often is.   It's not a space-taking defense.  

So here white plays to "bug" the bishop and you just retreat it.   No one is in any danger here.  Black's king knight comes out via e7 to g6 or maybe f5.   I've played the f pawn out too - with queen on c7 it's pretty easy to profitably bust up white's center.   


White can try to play this more like a Queen's Gambit, (Like a Meran or something?) but it's pretty easy for black to deflect it.    

