
do you like pirk?


hello, i've been using pirk ever since i was a kid and it's really effective until now. but, can you teach me other openings... thanks

Don't try to memorise openings without understanding why the moves are played.  Have a look at this article (it's in three parts) which talks about how to build a repertoire of openings.
yusuke wrote:

hello, i've been using pirk ever since i was a kid and it's really effective until now. but, can you teach me other openings... thanks

why ?where are you?


I use it to transpose into the King's Indian, had a lot of luck with that transposition, then working the C-File.
I suggest you buy some Nigel Davies opening DVDs from chessbase. He's in love with the Pirc so a lot of the openings he champions are very "pirc-like".
I have never played the Pirc, but I know it is a very solid opening. I would recommend it if you are comfortable with your opponnent having a large pawn center, as White usually gets one.