
Does King's gambit open up the king file to attack the king?



You can always queenside castle


It opens up a line for the white rook to kick ass after castling...


WhenEVER you see an "outside" pawn offered for a central pawn, you have two ideas that accompany it - one is that an open file for a rook/queen will occur (f file in king's gambit, c file in queen's gambit) and the other idea is that if the pawn is accepted, you have uncontested central pawns, controlling that all-important middle territory.   So in a sense, when the opponent captures your f-pawn, you are intending to side-step the whole kingside, and control the middle (which is to say, play your d pawn out now that he has no e pawn to fight it).  

Unmaster wrote:

WhenEVER you see an "outside" pawn offered for a central pawn, you have two ideas that accompany it - one is that an open file for a rook/queen will occur (f file in king's gambit, c file in queen's gambit) and the other idea is that if the pawn is accepted, you have uncontested central pawns, controlling that all-important middle territory.   So in a sense, when the opponent captures your f-pawn, you are intending to side-step the whole kingside, and control the middle (which is to say, play your d pawn out now that he has no e pawn to fight it).  

i hope when you mean now you don't mean immediatley or this happens...


If the KG scares you, play something else.


i still think i like the kings gambit........