
First Guide to the Sodium Attack


IM Lawrence Trent has played this but I'm pretty sure he was just screwing around. Maybe he made a bet lol.



Stephenson2 wrote:

Na3 is a Stupid move. Which ever database you use search for games starting with this (games rated over 2400) their are none serch under 1600 more

1-f3 is a stupid move, with Na3 you develop a piece, is normal


i used to play it more but i still do sometimes



1 Na3 Na6  - The sodium sod'em variation


1Na3 h5


The sodium gemorrah begorrah variation as played by Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael


FortunaMajor wrote:


LoL Thanks for bumping this old thread. wink.png


I think people misjudge Sodium Attack. Although it's not played in competitive games, when played for fun it can lead into many fun and interesting games and new openings like,



A rare occasion, where black is lost already on the 3rd move. happy.png

Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:

A rare occasion, where black is lost already on the 3rd move.

really, i thought 1.c4 is won for White. that is the first move, right?



Phoenyx75 wrote:
mecuelgalapieza wrote:



Stockfish calculates that position as 0, that is, even for both sides at a depth of 22. Meanwhile, if black responds to 1.Na3 with 1...e5, Stockfish evaluates Black's position at a depth of 29 as -.4 (that is, Black is winning by the equivalent of .4 of a pawn). Not the highest depths here, and I know that Stockfish is hardly perfect at the beginning, but when you factor in the fact that high level Masters just don't play 1.Na3, it really begins to look like it's suboptimal.

Yet another reason why i think chess engines are the opiate for the delusional.

Explain to the class why a master of any level would play 1.Na3 except to take the piss


on 1Na3 e5, i usually have played 2Nc4; on 1Na3 d5 2c4 (Plano Gambit), c6 is frequent--transposing to a kind of Slav Defense of the Queen's Gambit (but e5! may be best).

Kmatta wrote:
Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:

A rare occasion, where black is lost already on the 3rd move.

really, i thought 1.c4 is won for White. that is the first move, right?

1. Na3 and 1. c4 are 2 different moves.

You should take glasses, if you have severe problems seeing the board.

graywyvern wrote:

on 1Na3 e5, i usually have played 2Nc4; on 1Na3 d5 2c4 (Plano Gambit), c6 is frequent--transposing to a kind of Slav Defense of the Queen's Gambit (but e5! may be best).

I don't fancy 1.Na3 e5 2.Nc4 for White on the basis of 2...e4 threatening d5

On the other hand 1.Na3 d5 is limp, Durkin liked 2.f4 (from his games). 2.c4 looks interesting (and who the hell is Plano?) but I play 2.Nf3 intending to play QP defenses in reverse


I agree that 1Na3 e5 2Nc4 e4! is an improvement (which none of my opponents ever tried, & I was always prepared to answer it with 3d3 so that if 3...d5 4Nd2 arrives in a roundabout way at the Pirc Reversed or Valencia opening, with tempi lost. But I think White is not lost, even so, in such a closed position, only cramped.