
Help! Need a new opening!


I have been playing chess for about a year now and have come to wall. I was wondering if anyone could suggest two good openings to study (one white one black).

I already have some understanding of:

Dragon Sicilian

Ruy Lopez

Queens Gambit

Slav Defense

Other than these, what do you think I should study next? Perhaps the French? Or KIA?


So I can aquire a wider scope of the game. Any got any?


The french, its the best


English for White, Caro-Kann for Black.


If you just want some experience with new types of positions, then the French or Caro-Kann will give you something quite different from your usual Sicilian Dragon, the King's Indian Defense or Old Indian Defense will offer a change from your usual Slav Defense, and the King's Indian Attack or English Opening will give you positions different from your usual Ruy Lopez or Queen's Gambit.


Owen's Defense! Read my Blog about it.


Playing the King's Gambit (White) and Modern Benoni (Black) will certainly sharpen your tactical acuity.


Thanks guys, very helpful!


Perfect the (good) openings you're already playing before switching to anything else? 

Pascalz wrote:

Owen's Defense! Read my Blog about it.

Owen's Defense blows.

Whatever you do, play straight-forward openings until you are at least 2000.  I played the French and 1...e5 for a long time.  I've played almost everything under the sun as White, but while I was under 2000, it was pretty much 1.d4, 1.e4, and 1.Nf3.  Nothing fancy.

I now play the Modern Defense mostly, but didn't start playing it until I hit 2000 (Over the Board that is, ratings are complete bullsh*t - I use internet sites to practice openings I'm studying, which usually isn't a new opening, but rather a new line in the opening I already know).

As for White, I still to this day consider 1.d4 my main weapon!


If you play the Veresov (or BDG) you will definately learn how to attack and play in sharp posiitons. It will help your tactics out a lot. It's 1.d4 d5 2. Nc3 Nf6, or 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5.

Perhaps try the Benko gambit or Benoni as black (vs d4) to give you a "wider scope of the game."


I'd say the French and the English are good choices that will give you very different board positions from what you are used to seeing with your current reportoire. The king's gambit is just plain fun.

Frittles wrote:

The king's gambit is just plain fun.

Amen, go for it!


Suggest English as White and French as Black as others have suggested.

I do not suggest BDG as you want to play sound openings also do not suggest Owens.  If you want to play a gambit suggest kings.


The scotch is quite a nice opening to play


That already sounds like a fair amount. If anything, I'd say a d4 opening that is not d4-d5. It will give you some new positions to play. 

The French also works well with a Sicilian repertoire. 

If you already play 1.e4 and 1.d4 with white you don't need anything else. The English is fine but very positional.