
How to play a Queens gambit accepted/London with d5xc4

Hello everybody, I kind of have difficulties finding a game plan when playing a Queen's gambit accepted or London system with d5xc4 (with white). Can anyone explain what my strategy is after this? How do I advance with one less pawn on the Queen side? I really have a difficult time finding an advantage. Also I don't quite know what the plans are for black in these kind of positions. Could you explain this by any chance? Thanks a lot, Max :)
From the Queens Gambit Accepted, there are three main moves what what I understand. My favorite is an immediate 3.e4. The point is pretty clear, you are attacking the pawn on c4 as well as expanding in the center with a move that would be impossible a move ago if the pawn was on d5. Blacks most common moves are Nf6 where I can push into e5 and once the knight comes to d5 I can capture the c4 pawn making it equal material. The next option I have seen black do is an immediate e4. Basically this move is like if your bishop takes my c4 pawn, I can win your d4 pawn and be up material. Instead I like to play Nf6 which basically attacks e5 and defends d4. I now threaten to take c4 and equalize materially. The last thing I have seen is b4. I find this move the easiest to deal with because of the immediate A4. I mean if Black tries to hold on with c6 I can just take the b pawn and develop normally with Nc3. (Note that after 5.Nc3 b4 6. Nb5 a6 the knight can not be taken yet due to the a1 rook pinning the a6 pawn to the A8 rook. You can just continue with Bf4 and threaten a fork). Hope this helps.

Hey man,

thanks for the really thorough answer. This really helped!




P.S. I really like the fact that you put so much effort into helping others. However, I would suggest you change your writing style a bit when you are a low-rated player like myself. Particularly, if the the player you are advising is higher rated than yourself. I think it is just more adequate in this context.

CaptainOneAye wrote:

Hey man,

thanks for the really thorough answer. This really helped!




P.S. I really like the fact that you put so much effort into helping others. However, I would suggest you change your writing style a bit when you are a low-rated player like myself. Particularly, if the the player you are advising is higher rated than yourself. I think it is just more adequate in this context.

Oh sorry if I came off rude! 


Not rude at all. Just a bit like you were a title holder^^.

Have a nice Sunday,




This should give you something to start out with. If you want to go more in depth, check out my Queen's Gambit Study on Lichess. It will give you access to everything you will face as a d4-player playing the Queen's Gambit. Also, you don't need to write your response like an email. This is just an informal forum. Best of luck



"Can anyone explain what my strategy is after this?"
++ Recapture with Bxc4 and make good use of your extra pawn in the center.

"I really have a difficult time finding an advantage." ++ There is no advantage. Chess is a draw.

"what the plans are for black" ++ Strike at the white central pawn d4 with either ... e5 or ...c5 and develop ...a6, ...b5 (kicking Bc4), ... Bb7

Here is an example game: