
I can't find an opening I really like


Every time I try something new I lose big.  I don't study lines.  I have basically won with luck i guess.  What is really a good opening for someone like me?  I want to be aggressive and I do not mind trading early.  If play is too slow I get in trouble trying to make things happen because I get bored.  Can someone suggest something for my play style?


Play multiple openings in case they find a refute for one opening and trade as fast as you can.The knights are annoying.


Ruy Lopez Exchange.  Then, when you're good at it, switch to Ruy Lopez main lines.  This is as White.


As Black, maybe try the Sicilian?

Klobb wrote:

Every time I try something new I lose big.  I don't study lines.  I have basically won with luck i guess.  What is really a good opening for someone like me?  I want to be aggressive and I do not mind trading early.  If play is too slow I get in trouble trying to make things happen because I get bored.  Can someone suggest something for my play style?

Play open positions..openings like the Ruy Lopez will fit your style.  I would also suggest learning how to play against closed, and semi-closed openings.  Not everything about chess is tactics, and making things happen. 


Go thru database games and when you see an opening that looks like something you might like, take note of what it is. Then try it out yourself.


Play openings that make sense to you.


I present to you, the best opening of all time: the Kings' Duel.


Yeah I try to get open games as much as possible. You might try 1.e4 e5 and the Tarrasch defence against 1.d4.


Try them all, dont worry about getting beat or your rating,

Ratings are only for playing people about your skillblevel.

And most of all have fun.


I have looked at a bunch of your games and I don't see that you play any particular opening "as seen on TV."

Gems like 1.e4 c5 2.c4 abound and the tactics are awful. Instead of casting about for openings, you should tighten up your tactical skills.

Klobb wrote:

Every time I try something new I lose big.  I don't study lines.  I have basically won with luck i guess.  What is really a good opening for someone like me?  I want to be aggressive and I do not mind trading early.  If play is too slow I get in trouble trying to make things happen because I get bored.  Can someone suggest something for my play style?

Ruy Lopez Exchange might be good. For Black, try the Slav.

Anyway, when you start a new opening, it is expected that you lose some games. You have to continue it, and after you get used to it, you wont make the same mistakes


Scotch game is very open and often tactical, and people often aren't as familiar with it as with the ruy lopez/italian game.  As black just answer 1.e4 with ...e5 . 


I know how that feels, not liking any opening.


Try my book on a 25-moves deep sideline none plays anyways.

Or, just don't care about openings, play moves that do not lose instantly, and progress.

Irontiger wrote:

Or, just don't care about openings, play moves that do not lose instantly, and progress.

If it worked for Capablanca...


Well i can give you a random repertuaree:

As whie play E4- aiming for Four-knights and play Halloween there

Vs Sicilian go for main lines, Vs French go for main lines, Vs Caro have no idea what is most aggresive

Vs D4 depends on what you like more, but you can try Grunfeld, Bennoni or my personal favorite Black Knight Tango


I think Danish Gambit would be nice for you


There are probably going to be lines in every opening that you won't like. I've jumped around from opening to opening way too much. I'd be much better off if I had just picked something early on and worked my way through the rough spots instead of searching for the holy grail of openings.


Grand Prix seems pretty aggresive for white

Klobb wrote:

Every time I try something new I lose big.  I don't study lines.  I have basically won with luck i guess.  What is really a good opening for someone like me?  I want to be aggressive and I do not mind trading early.  If play is too slow I get in trouble trying to make things happen because I get bored.  Can someone suggest something for my play style?

Keep this very important piece of advice in mind:

The purpose of the opening is to get to a playable middlegame. 

The opening is the easiest part of the game to play.  True improvement comes from studying the middle, and end game.