
Is anything better for me than the Parham?


I did crack, though it was not an attack that naturauly flowed from the opening, in fact one could argue it was a last ditch effort that white tried to gain a decisive advantage that black fell for


See this is what I mean right here? He knows I'm better, and can't think of a way to stop the Parham, or to back the KG. Therefore he thinks "I can't beat The Gavinator", so let's just report him and get him banned. There's two kinds of moderators on sites, mods who do nothing, and mods who do too much, this site is the second kind, and I will probably be banned soon. I have done no namecalling in this last post, but I'm pretty certain I'm going to be banned, soley for the reason I have an idea that works, that nobody has found a line against, and because it is "unusual".


Why not play an opening that will give you at least some advantage. Any opening can give you a winning position if your opponent blunders, sound openings can give you as much of an advantage as the parham if your opponent blunders, yet even if your opponent doesn't blunder they will give you at least some advantage.


Yes, but a blunder in the Parham is much worse than a blunder in the Ruy Lopez. In the Parham you are constantly attacking, while in the Ruy lopez you are just kinda moving pieces.


Laughing You're enjoying this trolling way too much gavinator.

I wonder if mods can see even the deleted posts?  Heh, would be funny.




And you guys can't find a way to fight off this opening, so I mean what do you expect? You hang material against it, and still call it bad.


Gavinator, the parham doesn't even attack. The ruy lopez attacks but more positionally, the aim is to put pressure on black until he crumbles. The sicilian is the real attacking line, as real as openings such as the evans gambit and the guico piano. I play QG and grunfeld the most commonly, and those openings involve attacks. Parham just moves the queen, it doesn't actually attack.


Also, when are you going to accept my online chess challenge? You call Alexlaw scared for not accepting but now you won't accept.


nope I will not report you Gavinator until you call some one a name or drop an f bomb

also I said none of those things, and I was refering to whatup, not you

anyway here is my analysis of the KG

here is the Parham

anyway I am open to some criticism, as long as it is kind, sugest a move and why, don't call anyone retarded, and don't say the line is stupid, I will not look at it unless it has a legitamate reason that can be proved on the board.


Alright, if gavinator thinks online players are cheaters I'll play him in live. I'm terrible at blitz though Frown

The_Gavinator wrote:



And you guys can't find a way to fight off this opening, so I mean what do you expect? You hang material against it, and still call it bad.

funny thing is he was reffering to your post, so it is paraphrasing while using the actual context, hm, he was within his right,


I really don't like taking the back burner anymore, I am trying to help him feed his superiority complex and his narcisicm, if it will get him off our backs, then so be it.


Hanging d5 pawns are always nice. You all claim you are great chess players, and I should stop calling you stupid, but look at the stuff you post. Christiansoldier keeps saying this is fine for "my level", when he can't last 10 moves against this without hanging material. Jetfighter still thinks the KG tops this, but then posts an analysis of the Parham, and once again, HANGS MATERIAL!!!


Really, I never said F**s, can you show me where?


its a pawn, and you can't do anything with it because your pieces are on the wrong side of the board. plus I can gain it right back

here is the line you see


Any a pawn move signals the time to capture the bishop.  Otherwise Na5 makes no sense.


Jetfighter in your board, white is STILL up a pawn. And christisansoldier, lol you don't play real chess if you sit there and hang pieces.


Jetfighter: what about Ra2 followed by a4 hurting your pawns?


That's funny christiansoldier, I don't recall seeing a moderator in front of your name, just chill out, no need to be a language nazi.


And ...b5 is weak. Just take bishop with knight.


And why not 10... Qd6, showing that white will have to move the bishop back? Black can try to help his queenside by a6 and c5. just a thought. Might be good, I dont know.

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