
Is sicilian scheveningen appropriate to use below 2000 level?


Once a chessplayer is fundamentally sound which can come at any playing level why not the sicilians, one of the best fighting defences at black's disposal. It is a very complex system in a complex game but if that style suites you, the time spent learning and studying this line of play right on into the transpositions will serve you well. Smile 


What's the theoretical strength of the Keres Attack right now against the Scheveningen?  I heard that that attack has discouraged many from playing the Scheveningen, but I also heard that Hou Yifan and others might have come up with some new ideas on how to play that variation as Black and that the attack might not be as fearsome as once thought.


Your thoughts?


I played it for over a year when I was at the 1850-1900 level. It was a struggle to master all the subtle nuances of the defense, though I had some spectacular victories with it--and some horrible defeats.

I eventually decided the defense was too difficult for me, though there are other players for whom the Sicilian feels right at home.

I'd say give it a try and see how it goes. What have you got to lose? Even if you lose every game, you'll still be playing chess, and invariably some insights and knowledge will trickle through to enhance your game in the future, no matter what defense you end up playing down the line.


The Keres is still very topical, but there have been several antidotes for Black to try. One of the most interesting defenders against the Keres in recent years has been Hou Yifan. Take a look at her games!


For an intermediate player (1400-1800), would the Sicilian Najdorf's Bg5 lines or the Sicilian Scheveningen's Keres Attack be more difficult to play? 


From personal experience, the Najdorf Bg5 looks simple enough for Black (Be7, Nd7, etc.).  But, I also know that there are a lot of tricks and traps in that opening, such as various forcing lines.  On the other hand, the Keres Attack is tough but I heard that there are ways to counter it.


Asking if you should give your opponent a loaded gun or just a hunting knife isn't the right question for 1400-1800 rated players. Play something a little safer and more logical, try to equalize first and win later!