
Switching openings in Sicilian (with what)

I am an e4 player, and I have been struggling against the Sicilian Defense, playing the Open Sicilian. I have done very well vs e5 and d5. This game was an example of a lot of missed chances against the Sicilian Dragon, where I eventually lost in the endgame after blundering a piece. I was considering switching to the Grand Prix instead to make my attack simpler. Is this a good idea? Any other suggestions for good beginner responses to the Sicilian? 



Edit: I meant to way With white, not with what in the title. I don't play the Sicilian with black. 

In my opinion instead of switching openings keep playing the open Sicilian and work on your tactics. That way you don’t hang pieces. Think about it. You didn’t lose because of the opening of the game, you lost because of tactics.

Part of it is that you do not have a Dragon in the true sense.  You have an Accelerated Dragon, which transposed to a Dragon after Black played ...d6, but he avoided the most threatening lines with that move order.


The Dragon sees an early d6: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6.

The Accelerated Dragon sees the d-pawn wait, and if White plays the dubious 6.Be3 and 7.f3, like in the normal dragon, Black will eventually play ...d7-d5 in one go, unlike the dragon where move 2 is 2...d7-d6 and move 9 (If white plays the 9.O-O-O line) is ...d6-d5.


When Black plays this way, take advantage of the fact that your e-pawn is not attacked on move 4, and play 5.c4!


1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4! Is known as the Maroczy Bind, and is the main reason some do not play the Accelerated Dragon.  They are put off by the fact that they have very few winning chances.  It is more drawish than regular dragon lines, but any winning chances belong to White in this line.


Against the normal dragon, you of course can play the Yugoslav Attack (7.f3, 8.Qd2, and either 9.Bc4 or 9.O-O-O).


I will start playing 8. Bb3 in my Open Siclians. I will keep in my the  The idea to close the queenside with cxb3, eventually followed by a4-a5 was very interesting. I will try going Bb3 and f3 before castling long, this was counter-intuitive for a beginner. As far as hanging knight, I felt that I would not have gotten into that situation if my attack had actually succeed, but I will stick with the Open Sicilian anyway. I usually do at least an hour of puzzles every week. Another question; can I play the Maroczy Bind vs. other Open Sicilians, or is it only a thing vs. the Siclian Dragon?


indeed. I always believe playing Mainline is virtually always the best. That is, if you know what the Mainline is as white vs the defense. But then, I've noticed some players actually learn more initially playing anti-Sicilian lines, and as they progress...they tend to tackle Mainline stuff later on. Soo basically, yeah~learn the Grand Prix (if you fancy that) because your opponents at around your level really want to play their base system but often go astray when confronted with an anti-Sicilian line. Facts. As it is, my best advice I would give (besides the stuff I said prior) you, is actually study some Sicilian theory yourself (as black) or at least go over some Master games of Sicilian players to more get a "feel" of the type of game play you will be going against. Best wishes✌🏽


I recommend that you keep playing the Sicilian and practice it so you can get better.

chrisbarcacook wrote:
In my opinion instead of switching openings keep playing the open Sicilian and work on your tactics. That way you don’t hang pieces. Think about it. You didn’t lose because of the opening of the game, you lost because of tactics.



agianst the accelorated dragon i recommend a sozin setup or maroczy setup (sozin = more agressive. maroczy = more positional)

also just learn basic english attack plans for white and learn 20 moves of theory and ur fine


Play the (Agent) Smith-Morra Gambit and side-step all this pontification. There is much to recommend it.


yeah but if black knows what hes doing he survives (although white DOES get compensation)

but if white makes 1 wrong move out of the opening black can suddenly be much better


i was replying to the smith morra


Switch to Anti Sicilians. The whole Sicilian complex is too big to start with.

With the Anti´s you play your own choice of opening and you can spend more time on other answers to 1.e4.

d4iscrazy wrote:
arosbishop wrote:

Switch to Anti Sicilians. The whole Sicilian complex is too big to start with.

With the Anti´s you play your own choice of opening and you can spend more time on other answers to 1.e4.

Anti-sicilians are trash for a reason. @Ultimate-trashtalker is correct, play open but don't go for the throat

if you dont go for the throat in the open sicilian then you will allow black to equalize and catch up in development

the legit only reason why the sicilian is playable for white is because hes way ahead in development and he has more space

d4iscrazy wrote:
arosbishop wrote:

Switch to Anti Sicilians. The whole Sicilian complex is too big to start with.

With the Anti´s you play your own choice of opening and you can spend more time on other answers to 1.e4.

Anti-sicilians are trash for a reason. @Ultimate-trashtalker is correct, play open but don't go for the throat

Anti Sicilians aren’t trash, they are just inferior to just playing the open Sicilian.