
The Queenside Fried Liver


This is a recent game i played once again proving how far superior and flexible this opening/system really is


Very good game whatupyodog! This shows how even players completely prepared (3...a6) against the system can still fall for this attack. I think this pretty much sums up the power of this opening, and shows those trolls that their silly defences against this don't work.


from that position here is my refutation, that will allow me to castle and develop the knight to a nice central square


First off white is up a pawn and would win. Secondly, opening theory doesn't go 20 move deep, especially in an up and coming system, where no major theory is developed. And lastly, this is a very unusual playing pattern, this would almost never arise in a real game. White wins in your example proving the superiority of the qsfl.


well I stopped the fork, got my king to safety, developed faster, and was prepared to attack your center before you were able to castle to safety, a successfull opening, and it is possible to draw even a pawn down


Stopping the fork is easy, is the position that gets to you. You developed faster, at the cost of two pawns, and now you will lose in the endgame.


The Gavinator - I agree that that opening is slightly unsound, but the ending position is definately a draw.


Yes, but nobody is going to be able to predict moves for 20 turns. This will almost never arise in an actual game because of the infinite number of moves you can make. Starting in move 9 of jetfighter's example, white should be able to win.


You can predict moves for twenty turns in some heavily analyzed lines such as najdorf, but I also doubt that his line will ever happen.


At first I thought this entire thread was a spam thread, and then it struck me that you were actually taking this opening seriously. Foot in mouth

Alright, here's the refutation you've been dying for:


nice find, I was just taking my example through a midle game to show that Black is fine


Nachtwolf, you are obviously not very good, after na6 no white player who isnt absolute garbage would play nf3, and after a move such as e3 instead, whites position is superior. So, this opening remains unrefuted.


Also, shepi after ra8 rc1 saves passed pawn and white can easily promote you dummy.


Bb2 adresses that


nacht, white playing 6 Nc3 is a dummy move. He would play Na3, however a good white player wouldn't put himself in that position anyways.


then rc2 and white wins easily


then Rxa2 and the position is a draw


I see where you're going, how would you continue if dxc5?


You're wrong but this crap doesnt matter anyways because noone would ever be in this position, we are talking 21 moves deep, that has to do with skill, not the opening. In conclusion, this arguement doesnt matter because a skilled player who had that position from the qsfl would have won easily. You are dumb.

whatupyodog wrote:

Also, shepi after ra8 rc1 saves passed pawn and white can easily promote you dummy.

Whatupyodog: There are multiple ways that white can win a pawn after Rc1, and you are obviously not very good. Any player with half a knowledge of chess endings should know that rook endings with a 1 pawn imbalance are usually drawn. Even if it is a win it is extremely difficult for white to win this position you dummy. And you obviously can't calculate either - On Rc1 Bb2 Rc2 Rxa2 Bc1 attempting to pin Ra1 and black actually wins. On Rc1 Bb2 Rc2 Rxa2 Bd4 Ra1 Black wins as well. So I don't understand your dumb and insulting way of thinking.