
This is how to beat the French when they play b6


Observe how I systematically destroy a 2000 level player who tries the e6, b6 French.


Already 4...Nf6 seems to be an inaccuracy, 4...c5 is better. peshka.png


That guy was a bit harsh but yeah this has nothing to do with the French Defense - it's just another way of reaching Owen's Defense

DeirdreSkye wrote:

You don't even know what French defense is yet you destroyed it.

Typical 3 min game where one of the 2 has played awful  and the other one thinks he is a genious because he exploited his opponent's suicidal game, something even 1200 OTB players would do. 

This was not French defense genious. This was Owen's defense and not even a well played one.

 Man , you are a 2000 rated player and you understand nothing.Unbelievable!

Hey arrogant kid !! It's genius** grin.png You may not be a kid, but acting rudely online projects you as little whimsical kid. Just be more polite next time you point others' mistakes


Dear dear Dreskye, Get a grip...