If your playing the London System, It would mean your a 1.d4 player.
Your next Logical Line Upgrade would be to start playing the Queen Gambit.
However, You really don’t want to start playing the Queen Gambit till your Intermediate Rating.
I consider 1,400 rating to 1,700 rating as Intermediate Level.
So you would want to keep playing the London System till you get to around 1,400.
The Queen Gambit can be theoretical.
If you try playing it against players below 1,400, You’re just going to get frustrated due to your opponent’s doing stupid crap.
The London System is easy to play, solid, and doesn’t have tons of theory which means you can get a lot of easy wins vs. reckless players.
However, If you find yourself getting bored or not enjoying the London System, Than it would indicate to me that perhaps you need to find a different Beginner Opening to play.
A few other Beginner lines worth considering is:
- Colle
- Torre Attack
- Trompowsky
- Rubstein (Plays Fianchetto with b3)
All the above lines are 1.d4 lines, but are slightly different vs. London.
They also are fairly Beginner Friendly.
If you don’t like any of the above lines, Than you probably are not ment to be 1.d4 player.
You would need to do Major Openings Shift to 1.e4 lines or different first move lines
Hi, in my profile. It says i am 600 rated. My goal is 1000. And yes, players below 1000 are considered beginner. But when i check game review the game mostly thinks of me as a 1000-1300 rated player.
And im looking for a good opening for white as i am kind of getting tired of playing the london system too many times, im sorted out with black as i have the caro kann defense with me. As white i mainly play london system. Could you possibly recommend me any good openings for white i can add to my arsenal?