
App for Hand-and-Brain with Stockfish, but with roles switched?


There's already a website where Stockfish announces the piece type, and I must find a move with that piece. However, I would also like the opposite roles.

Trying to play hand-and-brain where I select a piece-type and Stockfish finds a move with that piece.
For example, I say "Pawn", and Stockfish limits its next move to only the best pawn-move (can be with any pawn).

My problem is, sometimes a pawn move isn't in the top 5 of Stockfish's choices, so the only way to find it, is to manually play every pawn move and evaluate it, which takes too long. Does anyone know of any resources


The app you need is here. Just Try . You chose yourself as hand, create the link and play with your friend. I guarantee you will have loads of fun


Oh I want to choose brain (and Stockfish as hand), not the reverse. As I wrote above, I already found a different site where I can choose hand (Stockfish as brain).


I understand your question. You can choose both the roles. Just open   and see. You can play either as Hand or Brain. In your case choose the third option Play as Brain.


Yeah I see that now, there's both options. Thanks a bunch!


You are welcome. Try playing with your friends and do share your feedback on the App